Monday, August 17, 2009

I had the weirdest dream!!!

Ever have a dream so vivid and wonder if it was real???

Ok so last night my dream woke me up around 3 AM and I couldn't fall back asleep. It started at my current house. I had all my friends and boyfriend over for an LSU game. At some point I decided to go use my bathroom which is in my room (master bedroom). As I walked in the door to my room, I got chills down my spine, felt like the temperature dropped 20 degrees, and had that fear in the pit of my stomach. Before I could look around the door to my room started to close. I was paralyzed with fear. I saw a figure standing behind the door, mind you there were no lights on in my room but I could still see. It started to walked towards me and I collapsed on the ground. Then it said don't be scared in a very familiar soothing voice. When it came into view I could see clearly who it was.

It was my Paran (my godfather) who passed away almost 9 years ago (December 1st, 2000). I couldn't speak. He said again don't be scared and touched my hand but still I couldn't move. I was no longer frightened but confused. Then he kissed me on the forehead and I relaxed a little. He said he had been watching over me. He said he was in a bad place for a long time. He said he paid for all the things he had done wrong in life. But that he was in a good place now and happy with the family and watching me. At this point we had somehow made our way into my bathroom and had the light on and I could see that he looked just I remembered. Then my friends came to the door looking for me and my Paran said if I turned on and off the lights fast a few times, they wouldn't be able to see him. So I did and they came in and couldn't see him. Then I told them what happened and did the light thing so they could see him. But only nice Twin Friend and me could see him, no one else. She wasn't scared either but was confused like I was...

It gets a bit fuzzy at this point but I woke up feeling happy not scared. Ok who wants to analyze this one???

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