Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'...

Haha, Is it possible to find a male version of you (like in a good way)???

I don't know how else to put it. I went on a date with the younger guy (that's what we will call him now ;)) and we really hit it off. We have a ridiculous amount in common! I mean we like A-LOT of the same things, have had similar life experiences (including a long term relationship/engagement gone wrong) and seem to have the same outlook on life.

OK so we met for dinner after work last Friday. And holy crap, I am extremely comfortable around him and was having a lot of fun just talking and being silly. So date going well so far, we decided to go bowling (he wanted to go play putt putt but it was rainy). We went drop my car off at his house and I met his TWIN and his sis in law. They were nice from what I can tell, but I was only there for 5 minutes. BUT I did get to play with the 4 month old yellow labmix puppy!!!! Who then peepeed all over the floor because she was so excited... ooops my bad, dogs like me, haha. Anyways he kicked my butt in bowling! But I guess it doesn't help that I SUCK at it, hahaha. So we got a pitcher of beer (romantic right ;) haha) and were bowling and I realized how cute he is. Plus he has the greatest personality so then I was like crap I like him... I wonder if he likes me?! But then my question was answered really quick when he came up behind me and hugged me...YAY! Hahaha.

After bowling he was like lets just go hang out someplace...OK. So we go to a bar nearby and he was DYING for a cigarette (yucky :P) because we'd been drinking and he was really embarrassed about it but it was our 1st date so I didn't want to be like no you cannot have one...so I said how about I go to the bathroom and you do whatever you need to. After I couldn't really tell but we were in a bar sooooo I dunno. We talked for a while about...everything. It was crazy, I don't think I've ever talked that much on a 1st date! Well the bar decided to shut down at like 11 so he was like wanna go hang out at my house. My first thought was no, but he didn't seem like a crazy person so I said OK. And no he is not crazy ;).

We sat on his couch in the living room (his bro and sis in law were in bed). We talked some more (good lord ;) haha). Then I turned when he asked me a question and he kissed me which I wasn't expecting for some reason. Wow...good kiss :D hehe. And I was a little leary about it because I've kissed a smoker before and it was kinda...well not really nice. Well this was nice...really nice. So for the next few hours (hush :P) we were laying on the couch kissing and talking. It was such a great date! But finally at 2AM!!! I was like holy crap I have to go. Which by now it was STORMING and I had quite a drive ahead of me :P. So he walked me out to my car and kissed me again, hehe, and asked me to call him when I got home.

Well on my way I get a call from my roommate...he was drunk and needed a ride... GREAT! So I went pick up his drunk butt. That was intersting. He was all hanging on me telling me how great a friend I was and that he's glad I don't hate him anymore and I am so great, blah blah blah. I was like I know, I love drunk talk , haha. Anywho, I talked to youger guy when I got home. He said he had alot of fun and would really like to see me again. Yay!!! So I think I definitely want to go out with him again.

It is a little weird though because he is just a few months older than my LITTLE BROTHER! And I am the same age as his OLDER SISTER. Argh! haha. I mean I look the same age as him (and he looks young) sooo its stupid I know, but I've never dated a guy younger than me :D But I like him so I guess we'll see what happens. We are supposed to get together again this weekend!

1 comment:

wiff said...

good luck!! keep me posted!