Monday, February 16, 2009

Did you know, I Attract The Crazies...

How is it that someone who hates DRAMA so much always has it find her?!?!?

I know this sounds like the eternal pessimist but when something/someone seems to good to be true...they probably ARE!

As you know I've had much drama with Internet Guy. I did like him A LOT but his insecurities are beginning to drive me batty. You see I kinda pulled away after the whole "You wont find anyone as understanding as me" bit, he pulled a couple months ago. Well we had yet ANOTHER talk last Thursday night. He showed up in the area where I live so rather than have him try to find my house I went meet him at a bar to "talk". We came full circle about how I do not want to be in a relationship and he is not going to change my mind. If he wants more, move on etc etc etc. After that 2 hour conversation I thought we were all good. Meaning either he would move on or just deal with it.

Flash forward to Friday. I was working for promotional company and AS ALWAYS I put where/when I was working on one the the social network sites (I'm only friends with people I know/trust). Anyways I was working 3 places that night and Internet Guy showed up at the last one o_O. I don't care if people come see me but I always tell EVERYONE the rules. I cannot talk to people I know, just a quick hello. My 'guy' really shouldn't be there at all but if he is should not interact with me or interfere with my job in any way etc. Evidently, he thought he was excused from these rules and broke every one of them!

First he walks in and walks straight to me getting in between me and a few customers I am TALKING to!!! Then gets mad when I say "I cannot talk right now I am working." He storms off and sits on the other side of the bar GLARING at me as I talk to customers trying to promote my product! Well as I was leaving I literally ran into a guy friend of mine. WE exchanged good-byes and I went to tell Internet Guy bye. Before I can get around the bar he comes bolting out of no where and stands right in front of me. I told him I was walking over to tell him bye. He said "No you weren't you were leaving". I was like, WHAT?! He asks me to wait for him to pay his bill. I said I can't...because I can't hang out at a place after the promo ends. He FREAKS. He says __________ has been hanging out with you all night. (My friend). I was like HUH!? I said stop!!!!! Then walked out.

He calls me about 7 times but I was in the car with another girl I was not about to answer. When I got to my car I answered. He proceeds to tell me how suspicious I was, mean, acting weird, etc. I was like WTF!!! I was working! He says, he's going to call me back and hangs up. Not 5 min later I get a text from my friend saying "HELP PLEASE!" I was like OMG, he did not. Yep he sure did. He cornered my guy friend that was at the place and proceeded to GRILL him about me and what exactly was our relationship etc. I was PISSED when I talked to my friend. When I talked to Internet Guy again, I was informed how horrible of a person I am. Now I was SOBER, he not so much :P. Anyways, after I endured this verbal attack I went OFF. I told him I can't deal with his insecurity and asked in what reality did it make sense to corner a friend of mine and grill him with questions about me. After I returned the verbal attack. I ended my conversation by saying, "You could have gotten me fired, You could have lost me a great friend, and you lost me. The slightest chance you may have had with me is GONE. We all know you were jealous of ______ even though we have nothing more than a friendly relationship. Do not call me oh and by the way HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, a-hole!"

He tried to call a few more times, I did not answer. Like I said before, I attract the crazies!

1 comment:

wiff said...

oh my poor friend! what a douche bag!!! glad you stuck by your guns and didn't give in to his craziness. just point me in his directions, i'll kick him in the shins, and then sic the marines on him :P
