Saturday, October 5, 2024

What is my brain trying to tell me

Yet another dream….shocking!  I’ve not dreamt about my friend (who needs to get out of his own head) in a while but I did last night.  Nothing crazy but he was in it.  

We were at the beach.  I think it was a work trip but it almost seemed like a work thing/mini vacay since we were there.   There was a HUGE property you could walk to from the hotel we were staying at.  There were 4 of us (2 girls, 2 guys)and we were having the best time.  

It skipped around some but I know we went to some sessions and met with others but we always always went to dinner together and hung out after.  There was this one Italian place where the other girl made friends with the chef and we were convinced they were gonna hook up.   

I know we walked on the beach a lot and drank (not in excess) and honestly just had fun.  Nothing nefarious was going on.  Me and my friend we normal again and it was so incredibly nice.  Our last night we decided to go to a different restaurant and were messing with the other girl that we would have to stop by and tell her boy bye to lessen the heart break.  

While we were waiting for a table by the water we went outside to the boardwalk to just enjoy the sunset.  My friend came up next to me and wanted to take a selfie it was innocent and sweet.  Just two friends taking a photo.  I remember looking at it and being so happy we were back to normal!!!

The other two came out and we took a work pic for our boss boss so he wouldn’t fuss at us.  They called our name for the table and we started to head in.  My friend stopped me and was like we are gonna miss the sunset!!!  So I stayed out with him to watch it.  It was stunning.  So many colors and setting over the water.  Just beautiful!  

I looked over and he was staring at me again and I was like “wut?”  He said he was glad I stuck around and didn’t hate him.  Bruh why would I hate you, you’re like my stardust mate or something.  He put his arm over my shoulder (friendly) and I felt something on my temple.  He gave me the most platonic kiss on the temple and said “I missed you”.

Then I woke up.