Saturday, April 29, 2017

I think my brain would short out and I might forget how to form coherent thoughts...and/or breathe

So I think I've made it pretty evident that I am a bit of a Doctor Who fan.  Just a small one.  I mean barely one at all....anyways.  I've also stated that if I met a Doctor or even a companion I'd probably go deaf, dumb, and mute.  I mean I met Jenna for a photo op but there wasn't much talking other than a friendly hello and I was smiling like an idiot.  Well I thought I looked like an idiot, in reality I looked pretty cute.  Moving on, I saw a thing online "Meet David Tennant", sweet!  Who wouldn't want to do that?!?!!?

So I clicked on the video...which normally I wouldn't recommend...too might end up with a virus or some weird fetish porn o_O.  Anyways....


"Meet David Tennant and 6 Other Doctors" Are you f**king kidding me?!?!  One person...could win...BREAKFAST IN LONDON with 7 Doctors...?!?!   You'd meet Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi.  


Sorry passed out.  Just the thought of that 1 in a million chance makes me insanely giddy.  Surely someone in the US wouldn't be able to win this..."Get flown out to London and put up in a 5-star hotel" What?!?!?


Sorry passed out again.  So for a small donation to the Red Nose Day Foundation you get entered into the contest.  I don't have much to give right now but I can afford $10.  Its a great cause and it gets you 100 entries.  I have like ZERO chance of winning but I'd kick myself repeatedly if I didn't at least try. 

But lets say by some uncanny twist of fate I do win.  What the f**k do you talk about with 7 famous actors who happen to have been or are on a show you fangirl over regualrly.  Not to mention you might have a teensy weensy celeb crush on more than one.  And watch them on other shows/movies.  That's like waaaaaaaay out of my league.  I mean I am a social butterfly but I'd probably forget how to speak and dribble on myself.  What is the social protocol for that type of situation???  Does not compute.  It would be like that one time when my awkward sense of humor would surface and no one would get it because I'm weird...ahhhh don't be weird!

Whatever, let me repeat ZERO chance of that happening but at least I tried.

Friday, April 28, 2017

It's like B-grade horror movie! Who ordered one of the 10 plagues???

Southern living means a lot of things.  Some bad...some good...some of the bad....hmmmm, it means humidity, flash floods, hurricanes, and many many other flying insects.  I am not talking about mosquitoes (at least not today)...nooooooo I am talking about those horrible little wood munching flying things we call termites. 

Apparently they are swarming EARLY this year...YAY...

Last night I was minding my own business catching up on Sleepy Hollow when I noticed one of those nasty little splinter biters on my couch.  I figured it came in with the pups so I squished it with the remote and went about my business.  Then another one landed on my coffee table "hmmmm, odd *squish*"  moving on.  With in seconds I had a small swarm of about 10-20 in my living room.  Ahhhhhhhh!  I'm sitting on my couch wondering what has gone wrong in my did I get here....?

So I start contemplating what the f**k is happening?!?!
Clearly someone read from The Book of the Dead....

Alright so we have a plague of termites flying in my house...but why?!?!  We don't have termites...what is happening?!?!
So I get up and start slaughtering these flying house destroyers while my animals look at me like I am insane....
But every time I kill one, like 5 more show up...where are they coming from?!!? 
That's about the time I look at my front door (there's a small window at the top) and see a f**king cloud of termites assaulting my porch light.  They were coming through a teeeeninsy crack in door.  That's it, time to go dark...(and plug the hole)
So now I am running around my house like a crazy person, with no lights on killing anything flying in the air...

I flick the lights on to see the carnage
Ahhhhhhhh they are f**king everywhere.  Dude cats, get on this!
After 20 minutes of squishing everything I could find, all the ones that made it inside are dead.  I cleaned up kept the lights off outside and in (except of the TV) and sat down to finish my wine.  That's when I realized one had decided to commit suicide by alcohol poisoning.
That was my last glass of wine!!!!  Guess I'll just watch Sleepy Hollow, cuddle with my pups, and NOT relax with my glass of wine...f**king termites.

SIDE NOTE: When they swarm, sometimes they get doesn't mean we are gross or have an just means turn off the f**king lights and hope they go away.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Crocodile Dundee is that you...?!?!

Saw this....


Ummmmm...Happy Easter...?  I mean this give a whole new meaning to "bringing a knife to a gun fight".  I don't think a gun was present but ...

Oh wait..more like "That's not a knoife...THAT'S a Knoife", right...right?!?!!?

 I can see the accent!

I do feel bad for the victim...its not funny..he was attacked repeatedly with a MACHETE!  But thankfully they seem to be alive...
Sorry...sorry...not really...WTF is happening?!?!  Who keeps a machete with them?!?! I have a "big knife" from a race I did last year.  It was our "finisher medal".  It was SUPPOSED to be a Machete but instead its just a large the one Dundee has in that gif.  And its insanely sharp on one side and serrated on the other.

I keep it in my bedroom when I'm home alone overnight.  Otherwise its in the Living Room...easy access.  Its in a case...I'm not crazy...that $hit is sharp and I am clumsy...

Monday, April 3, 2017

It looks so ANGRY!

Seriously, that looks hella pissed!   But truthfully it doesn't hurt.  It itches like a Mother F**ker, but isn't painful.

I do look like I have some sort of highly contagious disease though.  I mean its not contagious at all.  But try explaining that to people you don't know, who have been drinking...quite a bit. 

I looked so hot in my fancy dress with my make-up and hair did.  I tried to hide it but I talk with my hands so numerous people were like "OMG what's wrong with your arm?!?!".   Plus I was in a room full of Doctors and Nurses so everyone had a remedy or diagnosis, even though I said "Its poison ivy.  It isn't infected.  It doesn't hurt.  I am fine."

Side Note - Is it just me or does it look like a pissed off red sperm imprint.