Monday, April 3, 2017

It looks so ANGRY!

Seriously, that looks hella pissed!   But truthfully it doesn't hurt.  It itches like a Mother F**ker, but isn't painful.

I do look like I have some sort of highly contagious disease though.  I mean its not contagious at all.  But try explaining that to people you don't know, who have been drinking...quite a bit. 

I looked so hot in my fancy dress with my make-up and hair did.  I tried to hide it but I talk with my hands so numerous people were like "OMG what's wrong with your arm?!?!".   Plus I was in a room full of Doctors and Nurses so everyone had a remedy or diagnosis, even though I said "Its poison ivy.  It isn't infected.  It doesn't hurt.  I am fine."

Side Note - Is it just me or does it look like a pissed off red sperm imprint. 

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