Monday, April 17, 2017

Crocodile Dundee is that you...?!?!

Saw this....


Ummmmm...Happy Easter...?  I mean this give a whole new meaning to "bringing a knife to a gun fight".  I don't think a gun was present but ...

Oh wait..more like "That's not a knoife...THAT'S a Knoife", right...right?!?!!?

 I can see the accent!

I do feel bad for the victim...its not funny..he was attacked repeatedly with a MACHETE!  But thankfully they seem to be alive...
Sorry...sorry...not really...WTF is happening?!?!  Who keeps a machete with them?!?! I have a "big knife" from a race I did last year.  It was our "finisher medal".  It was SUPPOSED to be a Machete but instead its just a large the one Dundee has in that gif.  And its insanely sharp on one side and serrated on the other.

I keep it in my bedroom when I'm home alone overnight.  Otherwise its in the Living Room...easy access.  Its in a case...I'm not crazy...that $hit is sharp and I am clumsy...

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