So it's been a couple weeks and still no police report from the wreck. I don't know why but its freaking me the eff out!!!! I know holidays, etc but still.
Work has been A LOT. Like yes its "slower" since Thanksgiving but so much is going on. Contracts are changing, job duties are changing, my counterpart got promoted which I am super happy for him but like I am getting a newbie on all my accounts and it terrifies me!!!! I got lucky with him. I was super scared when he took over because his predecessor was my friend for a LOOOONG time and knew the accounts backwards and forwards.
But again he deserves all the things, I'm just in panic mode because things are so weird with a few of the contracts. Then my other counterpart got promoted which again AWESOME but it's just a lot of change and the peeps I depend on are getting new duties. Its just so much change....good change but I have too much going on and am just trying to not drown.
My car is being a B....she is functional at the moment but randomly has a battery drain and I really don't want to deal with this right now!!!!!!!
One of our bathrooms is being a Tw@t and has been since before Thanksgiving, but I don't want to call a plumber because again.... TOO MUCH GOING ON!
On top of all this my mother makes me worry about her well being daily (a story for another day), the cost of everything has gone up exponentially & my paycheck doesn't go as far, and my cat randomly got the $hits & stopped eating (she's fine now).
So in true me fashion, I shoulder it all and don't complain. DO NOT DO THIS! I woke up Saturday morning because I was in extraordinary pain. Like I ran a half and and got punched in the face at the end. I went about my day cleaning and went to a friends for dinner. As the day progressed my face hurt. Like the whole right side. I was convinced I had a toothache in the newly refilled tooth. I got orajel and got home and did a cold compress. That's when I realized the pain wasn't my tooth, I could chew just was my jaw. Like the most INTENSE ache in the joint and from the back to the front under my teeth.
I thought my jaw was going to lock up it hurt so bad. Heat felt better than cold so I did that, I took some Ibuprofen and went to bed. I wake up whimpering at like 4AM. That's when I realized, I was clenching my teeth together. That's right...for I don't know how long, I have been clenching/grinding my teeth in my sleep to the point where my new filling is so sensitive it almost hurts and my jaw feels like I was punched.
So I have effectively given myself TMJ due to pent up stress. I ordered a f**king bite guard so I don't injure myself further. My dentist said if it doesn't go away or gets worse to come in but he thinks the guard will help. Oh and I should try to destress. Cool cool... I'll get right on that.