I am nice. The nice one. Non confrontational. Generally level headed. While I will not be a doormat, I pick my battles so to say.
With that said most of the time I choose not to respond to dickheadery. Most of the time I will just roll my eyes and ignore when people are clearly trying to pick a fight or being pig headed.
The problem occurs when you push me too f**king far or catch me at a bad time. The problem is I don't have to explain myself to ANYONE. The problem is if you come at me aggressively because you think you are entitled to know where I am and who I am with.
My husband is literally the only person who is entitled to that information and he NEVER pulls any cards on me. Plus we tell each other our plans if we aren't going to be together. Its a non-issue.
A week or so ago I had a person we'll just say is close to me send me a very aggressive text. It was after midnight, after an evening of fun. When I say aggressive, I mean it was all CAPS, a paragraph of anger accusing me of basically being a hypocrite because I went out after not going out earlier in the week.
I responded calmly at first. Then they doubled down and I kinda snapped. I am sorry but you do not get to monopolize what I do and who I am with. So I said so much as kindly as I could but it wasn't my normal niceness or my normal laissez faire attitude.
Now I am the bad guy. How does that make sense?!?!? I am getting the silent treatment. They are telling everyone they can how I am being a b**ch. How I attacked them. I am the bad guy because I finally had enough of the badgering because I dared to do something without their knowledge. So I am trying to pretend I am oblivious to this because I don't want to give it legs to run on. But its hella hard because I really want to call them out but I wont. I wont because that is what they want. So instead I will kill them with kindness and move on.
I HATE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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