Sunday, April 25, 2021

Nightmare Fuel!

A week or so ago it had been raining here in LA for like a week.  Not just a nice Spring shower in the afternoons.  We are talking about hell being unleashed on Earth.

The wind was so bad I thought my house was going to blow away.  It rained so much so fast my street looked like a river.  The thunder/lightening was so bad I had three animals vying to sleep on top of me because they were scared.  It was a fun week.

Thankfully this hell week is over...or so I thought. 

Since it's been raining so much, I've been having to put a lamp on in my office because it's so f**king dark. 

As I was sitting there trying get my day started I heard something.

Scratch scratch scratch

Scratch scratch scratch

I look in the direction I think the noise is coming from and....

On the tall lamp behind me inside the bowl shade there is a MASSIVE shadow.

I have somehow transported across the room.

I am now staring at this shadow trying to claw its way out of the lamp shade.

Its a bug who shall not be named and its dying and unable to get out, that I can see, but its still alive and I am losing my $hit!

So while whimpering like a fool I found a step ladder and some Raid.

I unplugged the lamp, then I created a swimming pool for my new friend. 

It disappeared into the bowels of the bowl and I figured it was dead.  I was creeping closer, when that mother f**ker suddenly went full Independence Day on me.

I screamed so f**king loud. 

Once I deemed it ACTUALLY dead I carefully put my lamp outside....trying not to freak out more and decided I needed a new one anyway....

And I still needed to work another 8 hours!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

I am so not amused

While I appreciate that it is being noticed my hard work is paying off...I still don't like the lecherous...almost threatening "cat call"

After leaving one of my weekly workout groups I had to stop at the grocery for din din.  

I don't wear anything scandalous but its a dance class, my clothes are fitted. 

Mind you I was fairly gross as its a high intensity class and I was starving so I was focused on get in and out ASAP

As I was walking to the door I heard someone yell something.  100% thinking not for me I ignored it.  Then I heard it louder so I turned my head.  This man, who looked like he could have been my father, said something and grabbed his crotch.  

OMG ew!  I couldn't make out what he said (Mask) but his eyes......Ooooogy.  AND HE GRABBED HIS CROTCH!!!!

I had a mask on but I know he heard me say "gross!". So I started walking again and he yelled, something sounded almost angry... I half turned and he said, with his mask off,  "if you don't want people to appreciate your tight @$$ you shouldn't wear tight pants!"

I'm sorry, what f**king year is it?!?!  Who says that?!?! 1.) Just NO! and 2.) I'm small-ish, I look like I'm like 12 when I'm in workout clothes and a baseball hat and it was dark... you sir are a f**king predator.

I just about sprinted to the door and he said something else angrily and I'm pretty sure part of it involved the work C**T, but I didn't turn back. 

After I shopped, I asked one of the employees to walk me to my car because I know he saw what vehicle I got out of and I was honestly concerned.  Thankfully the store took me seriously and asked me what he looked like.  Maybe they'll check the cameras, maybe not but at least I was safely escorted to my car, just in case. 

But now I almost don't want to go there alone again.  This is a nice store in a nice area with mostly nice people.  And this cum stain has tarnished it for me because what if he is a threat....what if he would have or would act on his disgusting comments...what if someone else isn't as quick to get help.  I don't know.  This is the BS females deal with and I f**king hate it. 

You want to look and maybe even wink...whatever but the threatening aggressive comments....I hate people. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

That is a scarf, not a shirt!

Okay look I know I am older and am fully aware I wore less clothing as a teen/college student.  I grew up in the 90's....we had a weird effing style, I know.  

But I want to know who is designing this crap now???  Its not consistent and its not flattering on anyone!  And no I was not shopping just in the Juniors section.

Most of the Cute shirts were not longer than right at the hips.  Many were WAY shorter.   Look I could probably pull off a crop top but I just don't feel comfortable wearing one anymore! I don't have tatas really but even the little bit I have would cause a shirt that hits at the waist to rise up with the slightest movement.  

Then there were the "other" shirts.  They were UGLY.  Like I don't mind flowers but the solid print of roses on a shirt was tripping me out.  Or the peasant crap.  Why is it no shirt or amish?!? And the colors were awful.  I like bright and fun....these were like 1970's green, orange, yellow....GAH!

Dresses have two options.  So short any motion would show the world your Oyster or Little house on the prairie.  There was no in between!  Here we have a potato sack that won't cover your peesh or a full coverage high neck potato sack that touches your ankles.... I just want a F**king sun dress that is flowy and looks cute and isn't SEE THROUGH!!  

And don't even get me started on the Shorts/Jeans.  What in the actual f**k is this "mom jean" fit crap!?!?!  I don't mind high waisted.  But high waisted with no shape really looks good on no one.  It makes me look like I have a gut, like no...just F**k  you!  I've worked very hard to not have a gut, I do not need a balloon belly pant.  The shorts are so high, they might as well add straps and make them a romper.

OMG and the rompers!!!! They look like the f**king jumpsuit Hannibal Lector wore in Silence of the Lambs. A few looked like they might be cute but they either had no shape or were shear!!!  Its a floor length potato sack made into pants with straps. Or here is a nighty, I made into pants. 

I know all generations hate the next generations style but I just want it to look good.  I don't care what people wear but can't we look good...PLEASE?!?!  Designers you are pissing off an ENTIRE generation because our options are dress like a monk, an old lady, or like teen.

I still want to look cute but not show my bits, is that too much to ask?!!?!?

Monday, April 5, 2021

I'm too old to become an Avenger!

To stay healthy and sane, I've started going on lunchtime walks.  Nothing intense just a quick jaunt in my neighborhood, maybe 1-2 miles.  It's actually quite cathartic.  I can escape the stress of the day and get some cardio. 

Today as I was mindlessly roaming the empty streets I suddenly felt a SHARP pain in my right bicep.  Like it was so bad I slapped myself because clearly I was being attacked.  

I had on a long sleeve shirt and fully expected to see a creature smooshed on my shirt or a bee or something.  When I looked nothing was there.  Hmmmm.  I rubbed my arm for a sec and it seemed fine so I continued on.  

The day was absolutely chaotic after I got back and I forgot about it.  Flash forward to shower time.  As I was scrubba dub dubbing I had a sharp pain in my arm.

When I looked I saw a fairly large "pimple" complete with a decent sized white head. 

I was careful as I cleaned it and the rest of me.  When I got out to better lighting I tried to examine it further.  It was warm and hurt to the touch.

As I was messing with it the white head came off and it started bleeding.

I am almost certain its a Spider Bite, so I cleaned it well, put ointment on it, and took a tylenol.  

Let's hope it's just a house spider or something my weird skin had a reaction to and I didn't walk into a more venomous creature....


Next day, swelling is down A LOT but I can clearly see two tiny punctures so yea if I start literally climbing the walls, we know why.