Thursday, December 1, 2016

I have questions....

So the other day I was looking for some nerd holiday stuff to nerd of my Christmas decor.  Today I got an email from Amazon saying one of the items I was browsing dropped in price...SWEET!  So I went look (and bought) but that isn't why I have questions.  I scrolled down to see what else was usually bought with this and saw....

I was expecting...well not that...maybe other Whovian stuff...or at least sci-fi type the very least Christmas stuff...

I mean okay maybe I'll give you the "Exploding Kittens"...maybe... but the knife sharpener?!?!  *singing* One of these things is not like the others... I really want to know how they came up with this.  I feel like ONE person bought all three items and Amazon was like *BAM* "frequently bought together".  I mean I hope that is the case. If multiple persons purchased these exact items together...I'm concerned. 

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