Friday, December 16, 2016

So I am only "right" if I agree with you....

Apparently me running all these race things is inspirational UNTIL it "interferes" with family time. 

Okay so I run...I think I've made that clear.  I've done 1/2 marathons in the past but I haven't done one in about 5 years.  I was going to do one in October but I fell and bruised my ribs a few days before soooooo yea that didn't happen.  But I am doing one 1st one in FIVE YEARS!  I signed up back in like helped with motivation to work out...of course I've been slacking since I fell...I may die...DOH!

Anyways, my fam has been all "OMG that is so awesome!" or "We are so proud of you all, that is such an accomplishment" or whatever.   But this time there is a "family" fitness thing happening at the same time.  Since I run it was assumed I would attend this thing.  Well I can't because I am running a f**king half!  But apparently someone is "so disappointed in me that I would choose to run a half instead of doing the family thing".  Seriously?!?!  I signed up in MAY!  Its a f**king HALF MARATHON!  I will see all y'all a gazillion times over the holidays.  Not to mention halfs are not exactly cheap so yea no I will not just not run it

Apparently this "I didn't get my way so I am going to be an @$$hole" thing doesn't end with toddlers. 

Talk about an awesome support team *rolling eyes*...People suck!

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