Wednesday, December 14, 2016

You can't lie when it's in writing!!!

People are f**king stupid.  I hate liars.  I especially hate people who try to cover their own @$$es by throwing others under the bus.  F**k you b**ch I have it in writing.  And I will bury you if you f**king lie!

Just because you didn't CC your boss on your response that was 5.5 hours LATE doesn't mean I wont forward that email to said boss when he tries to blame me for your F**K up.  I am customer oriented and try not to get people in trouble but if you mess with me I will "loud cap" you via email.  If you don't want to look like a f**ktard in front of the 15 people you cc'd trying to make it look like my problem maybe you should do your job or at the very least take responsibility for YOUR f**k up.

Rant Over...I hate PEOPLE!

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