Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I don't think that means what you think that means.........

I hate shopping.  With a passion.  I mean I will do a girls trip or whatever but If you give me the option of "go to the mall" or "sit on my couch and order from Amazon", I am picking option two. The problem is option two means making sure things are ordered far enough in advance to get to me BEFORE Christmas

Also, browsing the mall rarely gets me ideas.  But browsing online, I seem to suddenly remember my possibly future sis in law LOVES Harry Potter therefore I should buy her something from the Harry Potter Universe.  So I found this super cool replica of Newt's scarf from Fantastic Beasts.  OMG she saw it four times in the theater...I think she'll love this!  Score it says "guaranteed before Christmas".
So I go through the whole process and am about to hit "submit order" when I notice some very small print.  "Should ship between December 29th and February 20th" Wait...what?!?  
But...but it said Guaranteed before Christmas... I mean are we talking about his possible real birthday because last I checked Christmas was not sometime between 12/29 & 2/20.....Did they mean 12:29AM and 2:20AM...like it'll ship tomorrow morning...?  I am so confused!!!!!!!!!

Well f**k you then....guess I'll find another PERFECT gift for her!

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