Monday, November 28, 2016

Am I part spider? Why do I attract spiders?!? Do I speak spider?!? Like Parseltongue but for arachnids......

For real though, I seriously seem to attract arachnids.  They don't harm me...just scare the bejesus out of me on a fairly regular basis.  As I've stated in the past I have no fear of our little arachnid friends.  I rather like them since they eat other critters.  But that still doesn't mean I like them visible in my vicinity...especially when I am driving! 

Let me set the scene.  It was a gorgeous fall day.  Perfect to ride with the windows down.  I went run some errands.  Now mind you, since not long ago I walked out to see I had webbing all over my car, I usually check for stowaways.  I saw none.  So I went about my afternoon enjoying the wind blowing through my open windows with the radio up loud, playing "Can't stop the feeling" (this is important)

I was going about 40MPH down a two lane country road possibly singing off key when I noticed something out the corner of my eye.  It looked like some foliage stuck in my side mirror coming loose.  That is about when I realized the foliage looked like a crab, WTF?!?  And then it came loose...WTAF?!?!

Me: "can't stop the....what the mother f**king, holy $hitballsOMG is that a f**king crustacean?!?!"  
Spider: *looks at me* 'sup?
Me: *screaming like a banshee* 

I mean it looked at me as best a multi-eyed arachnid can look at you.  I'm sure you are thinking it came loose and was thrown into my car because of the wind.  Oh no no no, apparently Mr. Spider just wanted to feel the breeze through his leg hairs.  That mother f**ker was parasailing from my freaking mirror.  You don't understand...there was no shoulder...there was no parking lot to turn into...just a ditch on either side, some trees and a random driveway here and there. As in, there was no stopping...

very bad artist rendering
 Yes yes I know, it looks like an engorged tick but you get the gist of my freak out...right?!?!?!?

So I get the window up and lose track of it.  I guess it flew off...or is still hiding in my mirror....who knows. 

Anyway, a few days later I am using the potty and "surprise"... a rather large wolf spider is dangling inches from my face. 
I am in a very vulnerable position here...NOT FUNNY!

In conclusion I attract I spider woman?  Do I have a suppressed super power!?!?!   Just call me the Spider Whisperer.  It's like Ant-man but I don't have a suit. 

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