Thursday, February 18, 2016

I thought the saying was "light a fire under their @$$" not "light a fire under their arms"

Sooooooo I think I have stated before I have "Weird Skin".  Meaning it is normal 99% of the time but that 1% can be brutal. 

I don't have "sensitive skin" all the time.  I wear Bath & Body Works lotions.  I wear various makeup brands.  I wear perfume & body splash.  I use regular shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes.  I use various body washes in the shower.  I use Purex laundry detergent.  All with ZERO issues. 

But I've discovered, there are some RANDOM things I cannot use. 

It all came to a horrible, horrible head yesterday.  I am a product reviewer.  I get free samples ALL THE TIME.  One of my free samples tried to kill me...okay that's a bit dramatic...but it definitely caused me some pain & suffering. 

I got a deodorant sample.  Secret (I've used this brand before in gel form) Clinical Strength Smooth Solid Antiperspirant Deodorant (I've not used that before).  I prefer the solids to the gels which is why I got away from Secret in the first place.  Since it was clinical strength, I thought using it before Zumba would be the perfect test.  Right?!?!

Anyways, I put it on, no issues.  I got to class, no issues.  I started sweating, "Houston, we have a problem".   It felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper under my arms.  "Hmmm that is an odd sensation"

I kept dancing.  It started to get really uncomfortable but I didn't want to look because I was in a room full of people and it would look like I was smelling my pits.  Suddenly the world went RED.  It felt like a match was being held under each pit.  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"...."This girl is on fiiiiiiiiiiiire, this girl is on fiiiuuuuuuure"
At this point I had 15 min left of class.  I grabbed my stuff and BOLTED.  I did not pass Go, I did not collect $200, I jumped in my car and went home.  They probably thought I $hit myself or something...
I wear tanks to workout, so when I got home I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.  Oh God...oh...they looked so angry!!! 
I had bright red, puffy patches under each arm and they were sizzling.  Well they felt like they were sizzling.  I jumped in the shower and soaped up. 

It hurt soooooooooooooooooooooooo much. 

Cold water "owww"
Warm water "owwwwwww"
Soap *screeeeech* "are you f**king kidding me?!?! Was that acid or Dove?!!??!"
I finally finished and toweled off...VERY CAREFULLY.  I didn't want to put my Dove Deodorant on with them being all "F**k you b**ch" and red.  So I put on Rx strength Hydrocortisone Cream, "Oh...oh that feels MUCH better." I added some baby powder because the skin was raw and enraged.  It still hurt like a mofo but they weren't "sizzling" anymore. 
I have no idea what ingredient I am allergic to but something clearly pissed off my skin.  But only when I started sweating sooooo it must be whatever activates for "wetness"....I guess.  Whatever it was I can't use it again...I will just stick to Dove...thanks. 

P.S. They are much better this morning.  Still irritated but MUCH better. 

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