Sunday, February 21, 2016

FFS people, stop putting weird $hit in your Vagina!

Clearly this is a female TMI, so you have been warned!

I don't know what your momma taught you but good lord!  At least do some research before putting strange items in your lady parts!!!!!!  Link to the article.

Dear God, Why?!?!?!
First of all they look like a those snap pop fire crackers and to me that screams "Danger Will Robinson!" 
Second they strangely resemble illustrations of sperm. 

Third its a small bag of herbs your insert into your hoohah...three times a month-ish for four months, just why!?!
Foreign objects in your vag can cause issues.  We already have 3-7 days a month where we kind of have to put something else in there.  It's a "delicate" balance!!!  They tell us not to "flush" things out for the same reasons.  So why why why why would you put a detox bag in there???   Sooooo, if you have funk go to the DOCTOR!!! Or eat healthier.  Or drink more water.  Or use a condom. I don't know, just stop doing this. 

Look, I am a firm believer in some holistic...herbal...essential oil treatments but there is a's just...some things you just shouldn't do.

My body doesn't like certain perfumes & deodorizers (see previous post)....something tells me an herbal tampon would not go over well.   Angry arm pits, I can deal with.  I'd rather not have an angry $natch just saying. 

Favorite quote: "Your uterus isn’t tired or depressed or dirty and your vagina has not misplaced its chakra," Dr. Jen Gunter said.
That's right, this article made me channel ERIC CARTMAN!
Also, if you are brave...go to the product page and check out the "discharge" pics.  
I'm a girl...I know, uh, what's up with lady things and I REALLY did not need to see any of that.  To me that looks like you body reacting poorly to the insert...yea its "cleansing" itself...because you stuck a bag of dried plants in it.  

Like I've always said to each his (her) own but this is one of those things I just don't agree with.  

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