Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy V Day or something

Alright so I am not a big celebrator of the Valentine's Day.  I mean its fine if you do but I've never been big on it.  It used to driver my High School and College boyfriend's crazy!!!  I appreciated all of their efforts and I always got them SOMETHING but it was just another day to me.  I think it is because my parents were never hardcore Valentine's peeps so I never understood what the hype was about.

Flash forward to now.  Thank doG, I married someone like me.  He thinks it is *meh* too.  We still do something just for the hell of it, like grill or get "fancy" take out.  And by fancy I mean this Mexican restaurant that serves authentic Mexican style food, not the Americanized stuff.  I like that too but this one is so YUMMY!

This year we were low key as usual.  Got some steaks and the "special of the day" lobster tails to cook at home and called it a night.  He got me flowers and my fav wine (not expensive) and I got him non local beer.  We watched the FOX Sunday night line up (soooooo romantic) and it was wonderful!

While I was shopping for our "feast" I saw chocolate covered strawberries.  1/2 dozen for $5, WHAT?!?! That is a STEAL!
Then while we were eating them I saw this one and we laughed so hard I almost lost the treat to my overly curious dog.  "NOOOOOO, chocolate is bad for you!"

Someone got a little TOO excited about V Day
Okay MAYBE we are a tad childish but come on!  The others were all perfect little white accent lines and this one looks like...well it looks like when a high school boy is touched by his girlfriend/boyfriend for the first time.  The bakery should have put this one aside as a "fail".  If you don't see what I am talking about, good on do not have a "dirty" mind.  The rest of you, the club meets daily on the Internet.  *muahhahaha*


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