Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Apparently I want to be a personal assistant....not sure when that happened...

So I have weird dreams right?  When I take things like NyQuil they get ever more strange.  Usually people dream about being heroes or famous or I dunno something they aspire to.  No not me...I dreamt I was a personal assistant.  But not just to a celebrity.  A celebrity...really...WTF?!?!  And not in a "personal" way, just a literal personal assistant.  The problem was I was hired blind.  Meaning I didn't know WHO I would be assisting.  I have never really wanted to be an assistant.  I assist the VP here at my current job but I am not her assistant.  Does that make sense? 

Moving on, so I am hired to be this person's assistant.  I don't know who he is but I did know he is a he, he is married, and he does have kids.  That's all I know.  So I am given all these tasks to take care of BEFORE I meet him.  I was still living in the NOLA area (Hollywood South) but he wasn't here yet or he was and just didn't have time to deal with me or whatever.  Anyways, we only communicated via text or email, never a call. 

So here I am dreaming about weird things like picking up packages, suits ordered at Saks 5th Avenue (way out of my budget), shopping at boutiques (seriously, I don't belong here), prepping an apartment in the Quarter, etc, etc, etc.  By apartment I mean a whole floor that was basically bigger than my house, geesh.  I had one of those lists...what are those lists called that celebrities use when on tour?!!??!  Riders, they are called riders.  Anyways, I had one of those for this person.  So here I am buying the most random things with my CC and being reimbursed...I don't think that's how this works but okay.  I couldn't figure out who I was working for.  They were using a fake name, John Davidson...WTF kind of fake name is that?!?  The list wasn't too over the top.  I mean there were no psycho requests like "no brown M&M's" or whatever that one celeb wanted.  But the things on the list did include kiddie stuff so I assumed little ones were coming also. 

Whomever it was, was so kind in their responses.  Me: "Hey I managed to find those herbal tea blah blah blah's at a specialty store", Them: "Oh wonderful, I appreciate you preparing all of this for me".  Well finally the day came where I was to meet my new employer.  And I was LATE!!!  I was sick (which I actually was at the time of my dream) so I overslept.  I freaked out and my husband was like "it will be fine, I'm sure he'll understand".  So I called the number I'd been texting and a lady answered.  She giggled and said "Mr. Davidson's phone how can I assist you" or something of that nature.  Me thinking "*crap crap crap* I've already been replaced!!!", I explained who I was and why I was calling and apologized profusely.  She immediately said "Oh love, its fine!  This is his wife, you just get here as soon as you can, no rush.  Wait, hold on a tic".  Then I hear a voice in the background say "Everything alright?", wait...I know that voice.  His wife explains what happened and says "Poor dear sounds petrified that you would be angry".  His response, "Does she really think I could hate her after everything she has done to help us?" 

Then I woke up coughing up a lung.  I'm being serious...I coughed so hard my ribs hurt.  Now, I can't say with 100% certainty because I was 100% drugged up on NyQuil but I am 99.9% certain my celebrity boss was *god this is embarrassing*...David TennantWhaaaaaaaaa?!!?!?!?  Why would I dream about that?!?!  Why would he be here?!?!?!  I mean I clearly enjoy his work but that is an ODD dream.  Personal Assistant...RANDOM!  That's it, I am laying off the NyQuil

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