Tuesday, March 15, 2016

He's running for President?!?!? I thought he was "dead".....

I try to not be too political...too religious/anti-religious...too anything really.  I believe what I believe and if you believe differently, that's fine.  But somethings...I see them and I just want to Gibbs Slap people.

What the actual f**k?!?!!  I'll tell you what I'm gonna shout...go chomp on some arsenic...and for the love of whomever please don't vote...or reproduce...

Look I get it, our choices for the next president are pretty meh but REALLY?!?!?  Do you know how our electoral system works???  That's not how it works!!! You CANNOT VOTE FOR A DEAD GUY!  Even if said dead guy rose from the dead and went home only to be born again.  He might be our "only hope" (wait...I thought Obi-wan was our only hope...?) but he can't be President. 

Unless the second coming is happening this is STUPID!  Even if the 'second coming' is happening, he can't run...he's not a natural born citizen.  Well he is if he happens to be reborn here but I doubt any deity would want to come back as an American...especially not now.  Actually why would any deity want to come back period...our world is a f**ked up place.  Just keep your spot in the bleachers and watch this insanity unfold.

I get what they are trying to elude to but the "he has my vote" makes me want to run around screaming and throwing skittles at people.  No...just no...JUST NO!

Yes yes yes...a deity could just take over because powerful and whatnot but I am being literal...because its funny.

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