Tuesday, March 1, 2016

OMG who puts raw meat with tampons, and a nice chardonnay?!?!?! What kind of crazy world do you live in?!?! You are doing it wrong!!!

Sooooooo I think I am a tad OCD.  Not about everything but I have some quirks that are a bit...um...Unique.

I went to the store to get a few items.  It was lunch time so there were a lot of peeps in Target.  Translation, all check out lanes were packed.  I jumped in the first one I saw and almost died.  Okay, that maybe a bit dramatic...MAYBE.  There was a lady in front of me with a bunch of stuff. That wasn't the issue.  The issue was how it was arranged on the conveyor belt. 
I didn't notice at first.  I grabbed a divider and put my stuff on the belt.  Frozen foods together.  Canned foods together.  Deli items for lunch + drink together.  And a sports bra at the end with my coupons.  Then I looked at the belt *silent scream, silent scream*.  Does no one else notice this atrocity?!?!
There was no order.  It was like someone just dumped the buggy on the belt without thinking.  It took all of my self control not to start organizing it. The RAW MEAT was mixed up with canned foods and toiletries.  The dog bones were with veggies and shampoo.  The toiletries were with eggs & frozen bread and WORK OUT ATTIRE.  Dear god...Whhhhhy?!?!?!
Seriously, I was having a sitcom moment.  All I could picture was me snapping and frantically rearranging the items while the other shopper yelled at me and the cashier called security.  I'd be forcefully dragged out the store screaming "For the love of god don't put the sports bra with the ground meat!!!!"
Which by the way totally happened!!!  Sports bra with ground meat, and a block of cheese.  No...no...no.  You don't put raw meat with anything but other raw meats.  Honestly you put it alone if you are me but I try not to be too crazy. 
So I am an oddball...right?  Whatever, it makes sense to me!

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