Wednesday, April 20, 2016

If they appear when angels are near, why are they such @$$holes?!?!

So I saw this today:
And while I've heard that before I don't get it.  I read the article.  It is very sweet but I think if that is the case...I attract the wrong angels.  Or better yet my loved ones that have moved on are a bunch of pranksters even in the afterlife! I have a family of cardinals that lives in my front yard and they are 100% @$$holes.  This is the bird that chases me around when I do yard work.  Or chases me to the front door of my office because its reflection insulted his mum or something.  There is absolutely nothing "angelic" about it. 
You want to go inside?  You can try...I dare you. (not my pic see watermark)
This is also the bird that perches himself on the "wreath hook" on my front door and glares daggers at me until I decide to go in the side door.  So either I pissed off someone of the divine realm or cardinals are just mean as f**k!  I will say though, they have never actually harmed me, just spooked me a bit (I like my eyes NOT pecked out).  They mostly watch me and complain from a distance.  They sit on my windowsills and stare inside (CREEPERS!).  They fuss at the dogs from the fence.  They stare at me when I get the mail.  They shred my paper to make their nests and crap all over my summer door hanger thingy. 

Come to think of it...if they were human, I'd have a TRO...

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