Friday, April 1, 2016

No fooling me...I hate pranks!!!!!!! But these, these I am okay with.

My first glimpse into 4/1/2016...I knew it was a joke but soooooooo mean!

The sad thing is some people probably think this is real and are licking their phones....

*pahahahaha* Sorry but its funny...I mean it sucks that some people had major issues but I can't stop laughing!!!

Silly, silly, silly
Now that's just mean
Noooooo its fake?!? I'd totally buy this stuff!

What on Earth?  *snort* By the way I totally read that as Pica"snatch" at first and thought  picaboo got hacked.

And then there is TimeHop...that took a glimpse into the future instead of the past.  And its pretty funny....oh dear what if any actually happen?!?!?!

This is the kind of silliness I can get one is hurt (well Gmail...)...its cheesy but its fun.  Can you imagine the women who actually go into labor today?!?!?

W: Oh dear, I think I'm in labor
M: Ha  ha   ha very funny
W: No really sweetie the baby is coming
M:  Yea yea yea April Fools
M: *looking up* did you wet yourself?
W: I don't know what happened officer.  When I came to he was bleeding with a black eye

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