Monday, April 11, 2016

"The TV show made me do it" would not stand up in a court of law......right?

TV isn't the devil...networks aren't the devil...watching shows about the devil/demons/the occult doesn't make you a sinner.  Soooo why all the fuss?  I thought we lived in a "free" country.  I thought we had "free will".  Free will and free country mean you don't have to watch certain shows.  I certainly choose not to watch reality TV.  I don't like it, so I don't watch it, but I'm not gonna cause a big fuss about its immorality

"But what if my kids see it!"

Well, do as my parents did back in the day...tell them NO!  You all have "parental" controls now, use them.  Way back when my parents just said "don't watch MTV" or "Don't let me catch you watching Beavis and Butthead" so of course we did watch it and while that show was 10 kinds of WRONG, I didn't think it was a good idea to cover my brother in honey and stick him near an ant pile.

They also couldn't stop us from watching HBO.  We were told not to but after a certain time they were sleeping and "Real Sex 29" or whatever was on.  And I am fairly certain my brothers watched it ALL THE TIME (ew).

Today, people are LOSING THEIR MINDS over the shows Lucifer and Damien...more so Lucifer and it is hilarious!  None of them have watched the show(s)...that is obvious but they have some crazy strong opinions as to why, and I quote, "shows like this allow evil into our houses".  Really...really...?  Are you sure shows like "Cheaters", "Keeping up with the Kardashians", & "16 & Pregnant", to name a few, aren't to blame?  Because I am pretty sure those travesties are based on REAL PEOPLE and REAL EVENTS, where as Lucifer and Damien are works of FICTION!

My opinion, its dumb.  "But 'Lucifer' glamorizes the devil!  It makes you feel sorry for him and want to be his friend".  Okay that is kind of true.  Sort of.  I mean he is still the DEVIL.  He is still a "bad guy".  The show does humanize him a bit but he's still scary.  And he doesn't try to hide the reality that he is in fact the devil.  He tells everyone and everyone CHOOSES to ignore him.  Think about THAT for a second!  The show doesn't depict him as being sneaky.  He is blatantly doing immoral things and calls himself the Devil and people disregard him. 

The thing that KILLS me more is when they are like "they make it look like Lucifer was wronged by God!" Alright, I see what you are saying but shouldn't you learn your angelic tales a bit.  Overly simplified version.  Lucifer was one of the favorites.  He was an archangel.  He was the "Morning star", the "Bringer of Light" and he fell from grace because he didn't agree with what God was doing and thought he could do it better.  He wanted to be worshiped.  He was cast into hell for having an opposing opinion. I am not defending the biblical devil, I am just paraphrasing.  The show, which is based loosely on a comic (NOT THE BIBLE), gives you things from his perspective.  In the show, he got bored, he made himself human, and is learning how being human kind of sucks. 

And honestly it is f**king HILARIOUS.  It really is.  If my holy roller mother can appreciate it for what it is (satire) then all you crackheads needs to quite your over analyzed b**ching.  In the show he says he can't affect free will.  He CAN make you tell him your darkest desires and wants.  Then use them against you.  Unfortunately that is not just a devil trick...that is a trait of humanity.  Find someones weakness and use it against them.  There is no such thing as "the devil made me do it".  The devil can tempt you.  The devil can persuade you.  The devil cannot make you do anything.  You have to choose right vs wrong.  Here is comes again...FREE 

Its funny they are so focused on this (probably bc the name of the show is Lucifer) because Supernatural touched on this YEARS ago.  Luci on that show is trying to tempt Sam.  He can't force him into anything, Sam has to decide for himself.  The devil comes across as kind and caring...just misunderstood.  And Sam decides to choose Lucifer to save the world.  Is he a bad guy, of course, but my point is they went down a similar path and I don't recall as much of an outrage. 

So here it is, you can have an opinion (just like me) but
- a TV show called Lucifer/Damien isn't going to bring evil into your life. 
- a TV show called Lucifer/Damien isn't going to tempt you to do immoral things. 
- a TV show called Lucifer/Damien isn't going to make your children devil worshipers. 

Plus these are both rated "Mature" meaning, your spawn shouldn't be looking at them anyway.  You can opt NOT to watch it.  No one is forcing you to watch it.  But I wouldn't be so focused on these if you are allowing little Johnny and Jane to watch "Real Housewives of _______" with you.  Those are probably worse morally than watching a fictional show about the devil.  At least with Lucifer/Damien you can teach that it isn't real....with reality TV...even as scripted as it is...that is still a shining example of human depravity.  

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