Tuesday, January 12, 2016

*pow* right in the fandom, I love this goofy idea so much it hurts a little

So I went to Wizard World NOLA this past weekend.  Before the show began I got a Groupon email.
I'm sorry what?!?!? Doctor Who Burlesque, you say.  Who doesn't love a good Burlesque show?!?!?  No really I've been to a few, super neat. Is that weird?  Anyway, burlesque and Who, OMG!

So I opened it.
Does that....does that say Doctor Who-Ha?!!??!  OMG I just shot hot tea out of my nose!  They saw the opportunity and they took it!!!! Oh and look a female Eleven...cute! 

I wanted to know more. *click*
My first thought, "OMG I want to go!".  My second thought, "does that say 'wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey burlesque adventure through space and time'? Scratch that I NEED to go!"
Alas, I realized it was for 9PM...on a Sunday night...in the City not far from Downtown... "Dammit!"*le sigh*  As much as my little nerdy self would have loved a Who themed sexy dancing thing, there was no way I could justify that.  Ya know work and all.  Stupid adulting getting the way of my fun *grumble, grumble*.  Also, the convention ended at like 6....what would we do for three hours...I mean we could have found something but that would probably cost MONEY...so no.  Not to mention we planned on going EARLY to the Con, mainly bc my photo-op was for 11:30 and because we could do more exploring before the crowd poured in.  After that you just people watch *hehehehe*

So we did not go, "boooo".  And it was tempting.  It was advertised the entire time we were in the Con.   I wonder how it was?  Horribly cheesy...I hope so!!!

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