Sunday, January 3, 2016

People baffle me, maybe that is why I like psychology...

I've never been one to follow the crowd.  Well I say that.  I mean I follow the crowd if its something I want to do but I've not normally been one to do something just because everyone else does it.  This gets me a bit of grief from time to time because it is apparently frowned upon.  Sorry but that isn't going to change.

With that said I am 100% confused by people who CHANGE once they have a sig other or a new friend.  Now I am not talking about growing into a relationship with a person and becoming a better version of you.  Obviously every relationship changes each of us...for better or worse.  I am talking about those who change to "show off" or because they think the new person in their life expects it.  I am all about meeting new people but if adding people to your life makes you an @$$hole then I recommend not doing that.
I've never felt the need to knock another person because I have a new addition in my life.  This confuses me...does not compute.  ya know I try very hard not to take things personally but when things happen REPEATEDLY, I'm eventually going to take offense.  Just because you are "happy" or  even "sad" doesn't mean you get to yell at others, call them insulting names, try to make them feel bad because they aren't doing whatever you deem necessary at that point...basically don't be a tw@t.  Also, constantly telling them you are now having sexual relations really isn't necessary.  I mean good for you, I am happy for you but telling me you are now sexually active once a night is enough.  And I don't really want to hear about licking of the genitals and how a rough tongue really does things.
I just don't grasp why we must change for the worse to let a newbie know we are "fun".  Because let me tell you being a jerk to your family/friends because you have a new friend or f**k buddy doesn't win you any points.  Truthfully, if I was with a person doing that I would run very quickly in the other direction.  Who is to say that insanity isn't going to be directed at you one day?!?
What is sad is these persons who change like this aren't usually like that.  They are normally quite kind and funny without being an @$$hat. Its like they force this "cool" persona to try and prove they are worthy but it really just makes me want to slap them.  Just be you!  Why is that so hard??? Being the REAL you is what your new friend/sig other wants.  Not some fake personality you create so you look "cool".

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