Monday, January 4, 2016

Send help, I'm having a geeky panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what to do *breathing into paper bag*.  Its like in 6 days.  WWNOLA is happening soon...right...I.can't.contain.the.fangirl
So here is a link to the celebs that will be there (and a few that have canceled, booo).  I've been geeking out since they announced the peoples.  So originally I was trying to figure out how to pay for a Photo Op with Mr. Smith because for some reason I had tunnel visioned on him being there.  When I realized there were so many other Doctor Who peeps and Marvel peeps, I just...I mean how do you choose?!?!?!  I'd be happy with any of them but we are doing another BIG trip next year (now this year) so alas, aside from MAYBE a ticket to the con, no big spending for me *le sigh*.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell for a gift I received a pretty cool thing.  Like REALLY really cool!  I mean clearly I am loved (and they know me well).  I got a photo op with a celeb at WWNOLA.  What?!!?!?  Ahhhhhhhh *pass out*.

The one I got is with Jenna Coleman.  OMG are you f**king kidding me!?!??!  *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*.   I know I said Mr. Smith BUT BUT BUT its Jenna.  She's so adorable and I really did like her as Clara.  I was running around in circles when I saw it.  I mean legit fangirling like a complete nutter.  I am such a weirdo!  So of course, I've been telling people and they are like "Oh cool...I forgot you, uh, like that...stuff" *ugh* no one gets me *plfeet*.  Someone else geek out with me dammit!
My dilemma...I've never done a celeb photo op.   I mean photo yes but nothing "organized".  I don't fear me being awkward, I am usually fine but I don't know what to wear *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*.  I only got the gift like 2 weeks before the con.  I didn't have time to really create a cosplay....or an outfit...I mean I have a bunch of Who t-shirts.  I could totally wear one of those.  But then my stupid creative brain was like "didn't you want to cosplay?!?  You even wrote down what you would wear if you went to WWNOLA.  You know...the diner outfit?" OMG shut up brain! It's true...I have it written down but didn't buy anything because poor and whatnot.  Oh and didn't think I was even going.  But then I was like wait is that weird!?!?  I'd be a blonde (a bit taller, maybe) Clara wannabe, taking a pic with Clara...I am sure people have been very weird with celebs in photo ops but I really don't fancy being weird.  I think I am over thinking but I am so excited. 
So what do I do?!?!?!  Should I attempt to make the outfit?  Or just do a t-shirt?!?!  Maybe my Back to the Future/Who Crossover shirt...Oooo or maybe the Alice in Wonderland/Who crossover shirt or, or...or....  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh too many options, someone make the decision for me!!!

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