Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy King's D-ahhhhh what is that?!?!

Okay so being from NOLA we do this thing called King Cake launching Mardi Gras Season (officially beginning 1/6 - King's Day).  The tradition is to put a Baby or other a bean or a nut or whatever but usually its a baby, in the king cake and who ever "gets the baby" buys the next cake.  This goes on through Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) also known as the day before Ash Wednesday...the first day of Lent.  Obviously this tradition has some of its roots in Christianity but the origins vary.  Look it up, seriously...there are a gazillion articles about it.  

Moving other parts of the country/world there are other similar traditions.  They vary from place to place but the base is essentially the same. It is a round-ish cake with a baby (or trinket), the person that gets the baby gets the next cake. 

With that said I saw this pic and I feel very uncomfortable. My friend shared the page...all I saw was the picture. 
OMG you killed it!

Its a jewelry tutorial site.  Apparently she uses "recycled" products to create stuff.  While most of her stuff looks cool...this is a bit...unsettling, at least to me.  I mean its a baby corkscrewed through the torso! Couldn't we have found a different way to adhere the baby to the ring?!?!  I mean its a figure of a baby FGS!  I'm sure glue would have worked...or maybe wrap the wire around the baby.  Its like a plastic baby murder ring...I dunno, it just seems wrong. 

You can see the website in the pic, check it out.  Her other stuff is kinda neat, she is quite talented, seeeeeeee. I'm really not trying to be a jerk...its just that particular item weirded me out.  Sorry...

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