Monday, June 17, 2019

Shoutout to my guardian Angel

So I had to drive quite a distance today.  Thank goodness I was paying attention! As I was lala-ing along my way things got dangerous FAST!

Suddenly LOTS OF BRAKING.  The SUV in-front of me swerved to the right barely missing the back of an 18 wheeler.  I managed to slow to about 40 but was coming in hot.  I had seconds to make a move.  I noticed the pickup next to me pull to the right giving me room to swerve. 

Some jack@$$ was pulled over ON THE LEFT.  His pimp mobile looking thing was blocking half of the left lane.  We were going 75...I have a little car I can't see much past SUVs.  And no, I was not tailgating! 

I missed the pimp mobile by millimeters!

It happened so f**king fast.  But I can't thank that pickup enough for his quick reaction.  It was either slam into a stationary vehicle going over 35 mph or side swipe aa truck going who knows how fast.  Those were literally my options because there wasn't enough time to brake to a stop without possibly losing control. 

Who the f**k does that?!?!  I've had car issues on I10.  You either get over to the right somehow OR you pull all the way into the grass on the left.  You do not...I repeat DO NOT block half the f**king left lane of the Interstate. 

I hope that moron made it home safe.  Had I slammed into him I would have been severely injured.  He wasn't in the vehicle, I saw him on the phone in the grass.  My driver side would have been the side that hit. 

That would have been very very bad for me and who knows how my little car would have ricocheted around after.  It was rush hour...there were BIG vehicles everywhere!!!!!

My point is use your brain.  Don't block lanes of traffic if you can avoid it and DO NOT BLOCK AN INTERSTATE!  So yea, thank you guardian angel, the universe, the big guy....whomever...I am just glad it went the way it did.

I hate driving...not because of the driving itself but because of the other idiots on the road. 

I'm out...time for a shower and bed. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

I think I'm a Siren...?

Okay maybe not the luring to death part but there is something......there has to be.

I know I've been called a flirt and I know I am friendly but I am not...I don't think I am sending mixed signals...

So I am on an appointment with others from my company. 

I can't say where I was but I can say there was one...individual who...lets just say I wouldn't want to be around him by myself.  He was staring at me and noticed the light pink in the sunlight...he said "Hey gurl, I like yo purty hur"
Moving on, I was scribbling notes about the appointment and didn't get introduced to the last 2 people to show up so they didn't get my card.  I noticed one wasn't really paying attention to our tech but blew it off.  As we were leaving we all shook hands and skeedaddled. 

Later that afternoon I get a text on my work line from an unknown number.

?:  Hey, this is Bob we weren't cordially introduced earlier.  I just wanted to say hello
Me: Oh, hey.  Nice to "officially" meet you. 
?:  Is this NOLA Gurl?
Me: Yes....
?: I actually wanted to speak but got tied up with *tech*. I Think your real cute got lost for a minute in what I was supposed to be getting right with *tech*. Hope I’m not being to personal?

I didn't know what to do.  He wasn't the first guy, who clearly wanted to scalp me...yay for that but.... On the one hand SOOOOO INAPPROPRIATE.  On the other... Whatever, I called my co-workers.  Because what the heck!

It was suggested not to reply.  Don't even entertain it with a "thanks but no thanks"
Okay fine...the problem is I have to be around them in the next few weeks!  This is going to be so f**king weird.

I'm sure its innocent but don't do that with a vendor.....  I am a vendor.... its just......I don't know how to voice it but it's just not a good idea to do that...besides the whole HAPPILY MARRIED.  I mean that is a given here.   GAH!

I'm sure he's a very nice guy but.............