Saturday, September 16, 2017

That is basically a collection of dried...drying...spunk...o_O

What the actual f**k?!?!



I always say to each his own but...I dunno...I...unsanitary!!!

It got got WORSE!!!!! "After collecting them from lovers, friends and even strangers, her condom collection has grown to an impressive size."


"she developed a penchant for the smell of rubbers"

"1,921 rubbers, all of which line her bedroom walls like a museum."

"Her father has even asked his friends to donate their used condoms to the cause." 

WHAT?!?! "Used condom fetishism exists the world over." 

AHHHHHHH! "studies have shown that harmful bacteria can linger for a long time in a used condom" 

JFC There’s a Guinness World Record for condom collecting. An Italian man named Amatore Bolzoni harbors the widest collection in the world. These specimens number in the 2,000’s and date back as far as the 19th century." 

I can't...I just...I need a drink and a shower....

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