Monday, May 1, 2017

How does that even happen?!?! Those are not edible!

Alright, so lately there have been a lot of food recalls.  I can understand the ones that may be "contaminated".  I mean that's AWFUL but I get it.  You don't clean something properly and *BAM* e coli or whatever. 

I even kind of get the ones that say "may contain plastic"REALLY awful but a piece of something breaks off and *crap*  there are shards of inedibles in your food. 

The ones that "may contain glass" are highly concerning but again I can understand how it could happen.   But this one...WTF?!?!?!?

"Frozen hash browns recalled because they might contain chopped up golf balls" *link*

How do golf balls get into hash browns unnoticed?!?!  The statement said "the golf balls 'may have been harvested with potatoes used to make this product'." But HOW?  Why are golfballs anywhere near a farm?  Is there a golf course nearby?  Has this happened before?  Where are the f**king quality checks?  

You would think someone looking at the "potatoes" going through a wash or whatever would notice a bunch of small white dimpled balls mixed in with the brownish medium to large POTATOES!

I just feel like someone really dropped the ball on this one.......... (I crack myself up)


Looks nothing like this....

Maybe...and I mean MAYBE if its dirty...

its closer to being camouflaged in this...

But....usually dirty golf balls are of varying degrees of "dirty"....

And I would think to have a recall there would have to be quite a few golf balls present...right...!?!?!?  Maybe not.  Maybe it was just one sneaky DIRTY ball.  

Still, who the f**k confused a golf ball with a potato and how dirty were those balls that you couldn't see them mixed in with the potatoes...AND how long were they in the f**king field?!?!?!  And why were they IN the field...? I have so many questions....
Anyways, bone apple tea or whatever

I'm being funny...laugh dammit! 

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