Tuesday, May 23, 2017

You want to know why I hate watching the news?

Because every time I turn it on some f**k nugget kills a bunch of innocent people.  Whether its a bomb, a vehicle crashing into a crowd, a plane into a building, mass shootings...shall I keep going?

Its sick!  People are SICK.  Who the f**k purposefully kills children?!?!  Cowards!  Cowards kill children.  Actually cowards do all of the above. I hate this world!  I hate this so much.  Children DIED.  An 8 year old DIED!  No one deserves to die at the hands of another but she was EIGHT YEARS OLD.  What God would approve of this?!?  Quit hiding behind your radical religious/political bull$hit.  Cold blooded Murder is murder, and can't be justified.

War is one thing...fighting with armies, people who chose (usually) to fight is one thing...attacking innocent persons to strike fear into your "enemy"...there is a special place in hell reserved for you. 

I just watched this episode again the other day.  I hate how much it fits in this stupid world we've created.  Unfortunately you can't reason with crazy...crazy will never listen to anyone because in their minds they are right and justified therefore no one else matters.

My heart hurts for those people...for those families.  

Rant over...we will be back to our regularly scheduled goofiness tomorrow.

P.S. I saw that quote posted on Doctor Who Hub sending condolences to the families of the attack.  And like they said its scary fitting for the situation(s) happening all over the world.  So I wasn't claiming to have thought of it just used it as part of my own rant.  

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