Sunday, May 28, 2017

What's wrong with you?!?!!? Bzzzzzzz!


No but really....really...WTF People?!?!?!
This cannot be real!  Why would you want to lounge on a f**king cucaracha?!?!?! Staaaaahp!  No just no just nonononononononononoF**k that...f**k the person who made this...just f**k it all! 
I would see that f**king thing laying on the beach and think we were being invaded. Call Men in Black, we've got a bug!  

I'd probably run away screaming and crying while my husband laughed...
...just kidding.  He'd probably sacrifice me to the giant *shudder* bug and run for his life. 

He's awesome like that...

In case you want one go here.  But I don't think you should buy one.  Because 1) EWWWWWWW and 2) You'd be indirectly responsible for my future insanity.  So DON'T DO IT!

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