Thursday, July 24, 2014

I hate PMS-ing! Being female is rather annoying sometimes!

This is NOT a TMI post.  I am not talking about the "OMG she is so bitchy" type or the "OMG I need ______ to eat RIGHT now!" type or the "OMG I feel like my insides are at war" type.  I am talking about the uncontrollable, uh, empathy (?).  I have cried multiple times in the past few days!  For stupid stuff!!!  I am not talking about like in other posts when I saying *crying* or *sobbing* those I mean in my I am talking full blown tears streaming down the face.  Some examples....

The other day I cried because of a television commercial.  I shit you not I had to leave the room so I could stop.  Thank God I was home alone at the time.  It was this daddy commercial...created for father's day by Dove, I think.   Anyways, I've seen it before but this time, instant sob fest.  WTF is wrong with me?!?

Then yesterday I heard a song and just cried the whole way to work...I tried singing other songs... listening to a morning show...nothing worked!  No idea what happened, I guess just feeling blah.

I have already teared up TWICE this morning.  It is 11:00AM and I am just emotionally wrecked.  The first time was because of texts between me and hubs.  Nothing bad...just texts...  It was dumb but it got me good.  Then a few minutes ago I was on hold and started watching a video for the song "A Thousand Years".  I didn't realize what it was about!  I wanted to hear the song and then I saw what the video was...  It made me have feels...I want to crawl under my desk now.   I mean many people would see the below an not even know why it is sad but if you watch a certain Science Fiction series that comes on BBC you will probably be joining me in the sob-fest.  Yes, their story line is sad, I teared up during "The Angels Take Manhattan" and don't even talk to me about the scene when he is reading Amy's Epilogue. I was sad the first time I saw it but I'm going to lose my composure thinking about it right now.  *geeeeeeez* Pull it together woman!

I don't cry over non-sense!  I get sad or feel a twinge or tear up but this is way beyond that.  I swear next it is going to be, "OMG look at that pen *sobbing*.  It reminds me of a Pen I had in High School when I used to write notes to my BFF *waaaaaaaaaaaaaah*".  Or "I forgot to renew my book at the library and it expired *quivering lip*". Or "I really want hamburgers for dinner.  But we don't have any potatoes *collapses onto knees*".  Okay that last one is really silly but sometimes you just can't have hamburgers without fries....*ugh* seriously it is getting to that point. 

I'm scared to watch TV...I might lose my shit.  If someone dies on Defiance tonight I may be found rocking in the corner of a closet (you should really watch this show...I love it!).  Or what if Michael does something totally human which would usually just get an "awe", unless you are me at the moment...then it will be a full break down.  I can see it now "but you don't understand.  He LOOOOOVES ...  but he isn't telling ... because ... *sniffle, sniffle* because....*incomprehensible blabber*".  My husband will try to coax me out with promises of wine and hugs.  But I'll be all "no, I live in the shadows now, if I can't see I won't cry, leave me be *hiss*".  Hmmmm, tonight cannot end without me crying, can it...?

Oh goodness me...I need a hug.  No wait that might make me cry...maybe a face hug from the wait that will make me cry for totally different reasons *ahem* razorblade claws *ahem*.  Maybe I should just go to bed...of course with my luck that will end with me crying in my dreams and waking up in a puddle of my own tears.  Oh I am a ball of sunshine today...signing off. 

P.S.  Don't start saying the "P" word.  Because I am not.  I am 100% certain I am not. So just remove that thought from your brains. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Can cats be Narcoleptic?

I think I should google this.  I really feel like satan's spawn might be a little narcoleptic.  Wait can you only be a little narcoleptic...? Most should know what this is but in case you don't.  Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks.

The reason I say this is because she is well...she is weird okay.  Adorable and funny and lovable but she is an oddball.  The first time I thought this was a few weeks ago.  I was home from work and she was laying on my stomach trying to distract me from my computer.  As in she was attacking my hands, pressing keys...ya know usual cat stuff.  Then suddenly she face planted into my side.  Like she was sitting up and *BAM* face into side.  Kind of like the below but she was playing right before.

I've seen videos of kittens doing the above so I didn't think much of it. Then I started noticing things.  She will be full on attacking my arm.  Like biting and scratching me (not hurting me or breaking the skin, she is playing) and out of no where she is sleeping.  I am talking out cold, deep sleep.  You can poke her and move her legs and nothing.  Then she'll wake up and continue what she was doing like she didn't just pass out.  She has been doing it more lately but it is not all the time.  She'll come running like a bat out of hell down the hallway, jump on the couch, and when you look over she is on her back, legs in the air sleeping.  You can pick her up and coddle her like a baby.  She may stir slightly but is immediately back to sleep and purring.  After a minute or so she bounces up and keeps playing.  If you are holding her she stares at you like "hoomin why are you holding me?  I do not like this *bites hand*.  Put me down now! *meows like she may rip your face off any second*".  Don't get me wrong most of the time she is a ball of endless energy.  She is all over us and the other animals.  It is like she just runs out of steam and is out.  She takes a literal cat nap and she is back to bouncing on your head. 

I am seriously waiting for the day when she is running at top speed and just *splat* face plant because she fell asleep. 

All joking aside, I hope it is just her playing too hard and wearing herself out.  I don't want her to have a disorder.  It isn't frequent and it doesn't seem to be brought on by stress.  If we have another dog visiting she isn't happy about it but she doesn't pass out.  So maybe I am just being silly and she is actually a heavy sleeper.  Or maybe its a mild case (again is that possible?)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I am such a "blonde" sometimes!

So I watch a variety of television shows and movies.  Which happen to mostly lean towards Sci-Fi.  Aaaaaaannndddd quite a few of those, um, shows/movies star British persons...or take place "across the pond".   Wow that was bad...why did I say that. Moving on.  I've heard terms that I don't know *ahem* WTF is a nappie??? but I can usually figure them out fairly quickly.  If not I have a handy dandy iPhone and I google it...FYI it is a diaper. 

Anyway over the course of time I've heard characters say things like "oh you lost a stone" or "I could stand to gain stone" or "that's at least 10 stones".  And I swear in my head I am 100% picturing a freaking rock.  But like a fancy rock...something sparkly...and possibly expensive.  Not once did my brain tell me that I should probably clarify what this is.  So here I am thinking this is some sort of monetary slag (stop laughing).  As in I could stand to gain $1,000.  The thing is I know I've read the term quite frequently recently and I guess I just glazed over it.

Today I was reading "A Feast of Crows" (**SPOILER - I guess, maybe**) and they are describing the Kingsmoot.  One of the persons vying for the crown is being carried up the steps on a cushion and Aeron thinks something along the lines of  "he is at least 20 stone".  At this point my brain registered that 20 stone was probably not a monetary reference.  So I googled it and now I feel like a dumbass.  Apparently a stone is a form of weight measurement.  Mainly used by British (I think).  A stone is equivalent to 14 pounds.  It is used along with pounds to measure weight.  So if you weighed 114 pounds you are 8 Stone 2.   Don't judge me, I am American and as cultured as I am, I somehow have not been exposed to this form of measurement.  In hind sight it is very clear that a stone is referring to weight but at the time...oh hush! 

Now it makes SOOOOOOO much more sense...the concern when one character told the other "oh *sad face* you look like you've lost a stone *caresses cheek*".  She looks like she lost 14 pounds!!! That is a lot for an already small person!  She could now blow away in the wind and I dunno, get stuck in a parallel universe.  Sorry...not sorry.

So there you have it.  My blonde moment of the week or of the has been a rough few weeks.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Would a babelfish translate poor English?

This sounds snobbish.  I am not a grammar nazi....well slightly but not like some people I know.  I make an effort to use words and punctuation properly but I am aware that I make mistakes.  Plus I use strange words all the time.  Words that, unless you are from here, you may not understand.  I think the first time I said "I have the freesons"  in front of my college boyfriend (who is not from here) he looked at me like I was nuts.  His response was something along the lines of  "you have free masons...what?"  Anyway, I am more or less wondering if the fabled leech like creature from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would translate some of the gibberish I hear in my day to day dealings. 

I'm southern...I've been exposed to improper English and Cajun French/French my entire life.  But sometimes I seriously have no idea what people are saying and I swear it is English (or some variation of it).   I'm usually really good at deciphering enough of the words to carry a conversation but as of late it has become increasingly difficult.  I swear last week I had the Cajun guy from "The Waterboy" on the phone!  I know it is poking fun at us but there really are people down here that speak similarly.  Sometimes I revert to "um can you send me that in an email?" just because I can't say "can you repeat that?" anymore as it is becoming borderline rude.  At least in email I can attempt to figure out the communication. 

So that is my question would the storied Babelfish translate the ramblings of my fellow southerners?  I'd like to think it would because we do speak our own language down here.  Why doesn't this thing actually exist!?!  I feel bad when I cannot recognize what is trying to be communicated but it is to the point where I am like are you even trying...?  Seriously...are you having me on? Because it is not funny. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Do your thighs rub together?

This is a legit question because mine do.  I am petite/slender/slightly toned build and when I wear dresses/skirts it is annoying.  I honestly think most peoples thighs rub together regardless of how "small" you are. 

The only solution I could figure out for years was wear those bike shorts looking things (or Spanx) under dresses/skirts to put a piece of material in between and keep the friction down.  But I don't really like the feeling of having an extra garment under what I am wearing.  Its freaking HOT where I live and I don't fancy having a sweaty, um, bottom area just because I don't like my skin to rub together.  Also no matter how hard you try you will always see that line across your tummy area showing you have shorts on.  Oh yea AND if you wear short(er) items you can see the shorts so you have to be careful how you bend and move.  It can be very annoying, that and my husband hates when I wear shorts.  He likes to be well a guy and run his hand up my leg and I guess its a bit of a turn off when he hits shorts instead of my bare bum.  I've explained it to him and he seems to get it but I can see where he is coming from also.   How can I deny him since he actually likes my badonkadonk, ha!

I tried using a bit of baby powder but 1) it gets on everything no matter how careful you are and 2) it wears off fairly quickly, especially in this heat.  I always put lotion on but it doesn't stop the irritating rub, at least not for long.  Argh, so annoying! Well a few months back I was cleaning out my lotion drawer, yes I have a drawer dedicated to lotions, powders, and such.  When I came across a stick of Friction Block.  I totally forgot I had this.  I bought it when I started running and exercising more to reduce the blisters on my ankles. It worked much better than band-aids which had a tendency to peel off rather easily.  As I was looking at it I had the most amazing revelation.  "If it reduced the friction between my shoes and ankles then surely it would reduce friction in other places, right?!?!?"  So the next time I wore a dress I put some on my inner thighs.  It totally worked! It felt weird at first but it lasts ALL day even is you get, uh, sweaty.  I mean that is what it is made for, to use during exercise so it is perfect for between the thigh rub.  

It is so easy to use.  It is like a mini deodorant stick so it is easy to apply, easy to pack, it is just easy.  It has no scent and you use very little so it lasts a while.  I may not be the first person to realize this as a use for this product BUT it is new to me so I am sharing!

It is like $5-$6 or so (maybe less if you shop around). I found mine completely by accident at the Dollar Store.  Seriously one of the best $1s I've spent.  I would spend $10 on it.  It is so worth it, especially if you are like me and don't like wearing extra layers under dresses in this summer heat!  It probably works well for nip rub too.  I don't have that issue but I know many guys do (runners/bikers).  Or if you would like to reduce blisters on your tootsies.  I mean it works well for that also, haha.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Ya know what ELSE grinds my gears?!?!?

My other grinder is still people but not about detail just about oh I dunno having a filter!  Are manners no longer taught?!?!?  My momma always taught me if I would be insulted by whatever I am thinking then I should keep it to myself because the person I am thinking it about will probably be upset by it as well.  As in "if you can't say something nice, say NOTHING!".  It is wonderful advice, people really should live by this.  I am mean don't be unnecessarily rude to people, they probably already know ______ about themselves.  You pointing it out is not helping.  So what happened you may wonder.  Well you see as I've stated before I don't wear make-up daily and when I do it is not much.  I had many appointments the other day so I was dressed up (with make-up) and an associate of mine said something about me looking very pretty (aw, gee thanks).  Since that day I've worn almost no makeup.  Every single day since that day he has said "what the matter, you tired?" With a concerned look.  Huh??? I can be chipper and bright and smiling and happy and he says "you no look happy, maybe go home, get sleep." WTF dude?!?  The is not nice.  I might not look like a Disney Princess everyday but I don't look like death either, thank you very much!  I've been informed by others that they wish they could not wear makeup like I do.  I have a natural coloring so I don't look pale or sickly.  I usually wear a tinted SPF lotion on my face and lip gloss or Chapstick but that is it.  I made a comment about this in front of a few men and a few women.  The women were like WTF, rude and the men were like well you do look better with make-up.  EXCUSE ME?!?  Yes of course I do!  Everyone (including MEN) looks better with make-up!  But ya know what assholes, the day you have to spend over an hour covering every blemish/mole/wrinkle/whatever and ironing your hair so you can look "pretty" for a bunch of uncultured swine is the day I might consider wearing make-up more often.  I dress nicely, I don't look like a homeless person, what is the problem?  Of course they are like, if you are so comfortable then why wear make-up for clients.  You know why!!!  Because that was the effing agreement I made 10 years ago when the older ass that used to work here made a HUGE deal about me not wearing makeup EVER.  He said it was unprofessional, that is right UNPROFESSIONAL, to go on appointments with out makeup.  Um I fixed my hair, I wore nice clothes...NOT ONE person complained but him.  So my compromise (because I am an adult and know what that is) was OK fine, I'll wear it on appointments but other than that bite me.  And so that is where we are today. Oh yea and wearing makeup is not in the handbook.  All it says is DRESS professionally, which I do. 

I just, that is rude...right?!?  Women do NOT have to wear makeup.  Many choose to do it and that is fine but it is not a requirement.  It's not like I am going topless or dressed in rags!!!  God forbid I show some leg/collarbone AND don't wear make-up....oh the unprofessionalism!  Gosh I am such a harlot...just sew the scarlet letter on me now.  I feel like the expectation that I MUST wear something that I do not feel comfortable in just to be viewed as "pretty" is so antiquated.  I know I am attractive without makeup..if I wasn't people wouldn't hit on me at the grocery when I am in 'rags', no make-up and my hair isn't brushed properly. I look just fine without it, I look just fine with should be my choice whether or not I wear it.  I should not have to concern myself with the ideas that you may not find me as PROFESSIONAL because I choose to keep the make-up to a minimum. 

My point is me "dressing up" isn't so that people will say "oh you look pretty today".  Just like me NOT dressing up doesn't mean you can tell me I look like crap.  If you want to tell me I look nice fine, whatever but please by all means keep the "you look like shit" comments to yourself.  I don't need either.  Just treat me like you always should, kindly!

Side Note - If they update the handbook to say "must wear make-up" I may lose my shit

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ya know what grinds my gears?!?!

People!  People in general make me want to drive pencils through my eyes and ears so I don't have to see or hear them ANYMORE!

Simple directions are lost on so many.  Its like their lives are so mundane they feel like the simplest tasks need to be made more difficult because truly something that simple can't be right.  WRONG!!! You are so freaking WRONG.  It is that simple, I made it simple, because you have shown me YOU are in fact simple.  Now it is complicated and even my clearly superior brain can't figure out what the eff you did so don't call here and ask me what you did because I have no idea!  I don't know why I even try sometimes.  I've been told I have the patience of a Saint but after dealing with non thinkers over the years my patience is wearing thin.  I don't fancy myself a genius but I clearly have a better eye for detail and logic than those I deal with regularly.  The mantra is work SMARTER not HARDER but the smarter I work the harder others try to make my life difficult.  Seriously my head is going to explode.  Ya know why?  Because I have to deal with the fallout.  I may not have caused the most royal mess up to date but I am going to have to deal with it and that is why at the moment I have tunnel vision and feel like I am going to be sick.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Do you ever redisccover bands???

I love it!  Its like new music but you know all the words :)

Apparently I like Coldplay.  I mean I knew I liked them and enjoyed their newer songs, like the SUPER popular ones *ahem* Viva la Vida *ahem*, but I heard a song the other day and was like wait I like that song a lot but couldn't place it for whatever reason (can I blame this on extreme heat and lack of water?!?!?!).  So I of course shazam-ed it and it was a Coldplay song and I was like "Oh, right, I knew that, wait I have that CD".  I promptly added a new station to my Pandora to make sure I get a dose of Coldplay when I have it on shuffle.  By the way the song was "The Scientist", it melts me every time I hear it.

But now that I've heard more of the songs I somehow forgot about on Pandora (how did I forget how good these were?!?!), I want to re-purchase some of the albums or at least a few of the songs.  I lost most of my old CDs thanks to mother nature before I copied them onto my Mac. The thing is I know I should have just done it but at the time I was like "ugh these are so old, I'll do it later".  And now I don't have them and the ones I did salvage...well not all of them are playable.  I clearly listened to them A LOT and the are beat to heck plus water damage didn't help *sigh*.  So I want my old music back and it is gone.  I say old...well its CDs...shoo I've been buying my music on iTunes since 2004 I guess, maybe before that, who knows.  I think the last actual CD I bought, I was in grad school o_O or just after.  So yes the ones I have are quite, um, oldish.  The last one of theirs (physical CD) I bought was X&Y.  And then I got poor-ish (stupid ex problems) and I stopped buying music all together for a few years and I somehow forgot about Coldplay.  Seriously from 2007-2011 I didn't purchase one you know how weird that is for me?!?!? I am a music junkie, I love getting lost in songs.  So now I guess I am catching up on all that I've missed. 

Point is I've rediscovered how much I enjoy their songs and now I am wondering what other bands I have forgotten.  I totally forgot about Linkin Park and MCR but luckily I bought some of their stuff on iTunes not the most recent stuff but I have rekindled my love of their music as well. 

Geez, Third Eye Blind just shuffled on while I was writing this.  How did I forget about these bands?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Internet Searches Make Me Giggle

Not thinking anything of it I typed in "Uses for Fresh Sage".  I have a plant and honestly I don't know what to do with it.  One of the top results was "Go native and use it to purge evil spirits from your home, also known as Smudge Sticks".   I should know this.  I live in the deep south...I watch paranormal television.  But I don't need to "cleanse" my house, what the heck do I do with all this sage?!?!  Maybe I should make smudge sticks and sell them...hmmmm.  Think my husband would be concerned if he came home and saw a bunch of over-sized blunt looking things hanging out in the laundry room? Oooo, oooo, ooo I can call it "Not a Blunt".  I am a marketing genius!

Then I was searching for "I hate it when..." I truely lost my train of thought when the "suggested searches" popped up.
"...I am studying and a velociraptor".  What in the?  My search was going to be work related but I burst into a fit of giggles and had to get up from my desk. 

I am going to contemplate my new "not a blunt" business venture since I am 99.9% certain we will lose power shortly...this weather looks insane!  I hope a velociraptor doesn't show up, contemplating is like studying and with the power out that could be bad.  I've seen Jurassic Park those things are really good hunters! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Have you ever wondered...

...what plants feel when you trim them?

Seriously, can you imagine that while you are hedging the plants are screaming, "why, why? Oh my god, not my baby!" as you hack away a new plant "sucker" blossoming from the soil or while you are removing the yummy fruit they've produced. Do you think the other plants you haven't reached yet are praying to their plant deity that this squishy life form fulfills it's tortuous rage before it reaches them? Maybe they are saying, "I'll tell you whatever you want....the answer to life, the universe and everything... just stop cutting!" Or that they are sobbing silently as they watch you pick up the pieces from the ground?  Whimpering, "the answer is's 42...." Maybe that's why they tremble when you go outside, it's not the wind they are terrified. 

Then again it's possible to them it's like a hair cut.  Ya know just a little trim to encourage new growth and tame the wildness that occurs from the torrents of rain we receive.  So really instead of screaming they are saying "ahhhh, so much better."

Well, really plants aren't sentient and aren't actually thinking anything but I was gardening and this just randomly popped into my head.  I am blaming it on the immense heat and me not drinking enough water.