Thursday, April 12, 2018

Shine bright like a diamond


All I see is....

Side note - I STILL LOVE THAT SONG... *end transmission*

Also, I am 99.9% certain I owned glitter sunscreen back in the 90's and it didn't end well for me....

...SPF 30 MY @$$!!!!

Sooooo excuse me if I don't trust the "SPF 50" it claims....

Also, all I can imagine is a bunch of Twihards running around the beach claiming to be a brooding 200 y/o teenage vamp.

Looking back...what even was Twilight?!?!?

Side side note - No one "hated" Twilight more than the main star...
And I have to agree.  Can't believe I am admitting this...*sigh* I read the books...I saw the movies...!?!?

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