Thursday, April 5, 2018

Keep your religious bull$hit to yourself before you hurt someone!!!!!!!

I don't care what peeps think...usually.  But when it could potentially cause harm to someone...I have an issue.

Saw this:

Okay, while I do agree for a while people were over medicated and misdiagnosed....these diseases do exist!!!!!!!!

What is funny is I saw this posted today....
Make up your f**king you think its real or not?!?!!?  My point is the first statement(s) about ACTUAL mental disorders not existing is bad.  They aren't lies.  They are REAL.  You may believe God made us who we are but that doesn't mean we have to live with serious illnesses.  I can't imagine God wanting us to suffer.  Are you going to tell me "God made you with cancer therefore don't treat it"?  NO!  Or that "God created you with depression so you would take your own life"?  NO!  First off Suicide is just an awful thing, and second... I mean it is frowned upon by God...."According to the theology of the Catholic Church, death by suicide is considered a grave matter, one of the elements required for mortal sin."  Suicide=Bad

Generally speaking...this FB post is stupid!!!!

Those aren't LIES.  They are real, just as real as any other illness and those people need help.  I'm sorry but prayer alone and "acceptance" can't fix a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE in the brain.  You don't have to suffer because "God made you broken", you just have to learn to fix what HURTS you and live your life. 

Religion is but this $hit PISSES ME OFF

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