Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Prejudice goes both ways....

I know the old adage is don't judge a book by its cover.  And most times (in real life and movies) its the popular people judging the nerdy/different people.  But that isn't always the case.

In High School I skirted the line.  I wasn't popular but I wasn't unpopular.  I was a super nerd into science and sci-fi but I was also on the dance team.  Basically I got along with most people.  There were occasions where I was picked on but it was few and far between at that point.  (In grammar school...PICKED ON WAY MORE.)  And I tried my hardest to not be associated with people who targeted and hurt others. 

With that said I had no idea some people thought poorly of me.  I found out recently that a band girl thought poorly of me just because I was on the dance team.   I am well into my 30's and had no idea.  Our paths crossed again and she was rude/mean to me and I couldn't figure out why.  Like I would say something and she would have a snarky or rude comment.  Would put me down in front of "her" friends.  Would basically try to make me feel bad about even speaking.  I was hurt and appalled that an adult who was picked on in HS would be such a bully and she has THREE kids...talk about setting an example.  Especially someone I thought was kind and I was always kind to. 

Finally I found out she thought because I was a dance team girl IN HIGH SCHOOL that I was not capable of being kind to anyone who wasn't popular IN HIGH SCHOOL so she was mean to me.  WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K?!?!? She thought in HS when I was being nice, that it wasn't genuine.  That I was trying to get "points" for being nice to the band geeks.  That I was FRIENDS with "nerds" to up my status.  The list was f**king insane. 

My BEST FRIEND was a "band nerd".  I hung out with boys from the band not just the dance team, cheerleaders, and football players.  I was friends with everyone.  I was so hurt that someone even thought that stuff about me.  Then I found out that the reason "her" friends were standoffish with me is because she convinced them people like me weren't actually nice, it was all a front. 

Are you serious right now?!?!  This is a type bullying also, just saying! And I wasn't the one putting on a "front".  I have removed myself from that situation.  I might have been semi-popular in HS but that doesn't mean I deserve to be treated horribly by a "victim".  I never judged her...EVER...but she judged me just because of a stupid stereotype.

In conclusion, people suck!     

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