Thursday, June 29, 2017

What in the what what did I just read...?


I, um, who comes up wit this?!!?!

63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions.”

Uh huh....and how exactly does that happen...?  Well glad you asked...

"Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine."

I mean there were 3 other rare options but this was the last...what on Earth?!?!?  This cannot be real... right?!?  I feel like this is something taken out of context...otherwise this is just weird AF.    

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