Sunday, June 18, 2017

I don't think I have that maternal thing people talk about

First off I am being funny!!!

So everyone keeps telling me one day I will regret not having kids.  And while I think I would be a pretty good mom, I just don't have that envie (ahn-ve).  Don't get me wrong I do like kids.  I love my nieces & nephews & friends kids.  I love them all to bits.  And when I'm holding my 3 month old nephew I think, "okay, yea.  We should probably really think about doing this kid thing".   Then that adorable little chunky monkey decides to spit up milk all over my bare shoulder and it drips between my tatas.  Oh that's I know why my mommy friends and family are grossed out by nothing.

Because they are soiled daily by their littles.  Maybe if it was my little but ...yea.  I still love him to pieces.  It really wasn't that bad just caught me off guard.  I usually have a burp cloth...lesson learned!  They kept apologizing which I was like "dude its fine, no biggie" but I will say that is not something I am looking forward to.

It is hilarious though.  The second we walk in, its like "mommy & daddy need a break.  go bug your auntie".     My job, which I take VERY seriously, is to wear those little boogers out so mom and dad can get a little relief.  I can't imagine having one running all over, much less two with an infant.  I think I'd go bonkers.  But you can't deny they are the most adorable little stinkers that ever walked the planet.

Best form of birth control...go visit your family/friends with kids.

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