Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Well that gives a whole other meaning to "licking p***y"

Why is this a thing?!?! Who wants to for real lick a cat?!?!  Do you want hairballs because that is how you get hairballs!  Yea yea yea this isn't really "licking" it but STILL.

I love my cats but come on!!!  It's hard enough to brush my cats...I can't imagine if I held them like a baby and tried to "lick" them with a GIANT rubber tongue!!!!!! My cats would literally rip my face off.  Not exaggerating...they would both use their back claws until I no longer had features and then they'd try to eat me because that's what @$$hole cats do when they love you. 

Sorry its weird!  If I buy one of these it will be 1000% a joke and it would be so hilarious we would all pittle a bit from laughing so dang much.  JFC just don't do this...please...because I will judge you and I'm not that judgy...for the love of all that is holy do not lick your cat!  Its like the first sign of the End of Days

God: Darn, it is actually happening
Angels: What Father?
God: *sigh* Humans have started tongue grooming their pets....time to for another flood...or fire...or plague
Angels: And so it shall be done *turns all felines into super villains*
Humans: Dammit fluffy let me love you!
Fluffy:  F**k you Linda, it's our turn to rule the world
*Human sacrifice*
*dogs and cats living together* 
*mass hysteria*
Fluffy: Where is my catnip, slave!?!! *slashes throat with a single claw*

UPDATE - OMG Someone in the comments said "a sign of the Apocalypse", see its not just me!!!!!

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