Thursday, January 20, 2022

Creepy kids are the worst!

Seriously, give me any kind of scary movie but throw in a creepy kid and the scare factor jumps 100%.  Well and clowns...but that is a given

As a kid I had a few recurring dreams/nightmares.  I never talked about them because...they were weird and made no sense.  I mean lots of kids/people that have these...I think.  Obviously it's been quite a few years but I think I had these so many times I still recall most of it. 

Dream 1:

I was in a crib I think but I wasn't a baby, I could stand up.  There wasn't a lot of light in my room but I could see, maybe a nightlight.  I felt extremely scared and like I was being watched.  You know that hair on the neck feeling?  That was happening.  I turned around to look at the wall and saw these wooden zoo animals hanging.  There was a lion, giraffe, elephant, and tiger.  Something about them was scaring me.  As I stared at them they started moving, like someone was adjusting them on the nail they were hanging on.  The more scared I got the more they moved.  I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, I was absolutely petrified.  As they were moving faster and faster I swore their eyes were glowing and they suddenly had sharp teeth.  The giraffe came flying off the wall at me and I woke up.  Everytime.  Every.single.time.  That's how it ended.  I had this dream for years!  This made no sense, I've never had a zoo themed room...

Dream 2:

I am in my toddler bed sleeping.  I felt someone nudge me to wake me up.  When I opened my eyes I didn't see anything.  I didn't like the dark so my CREEPY AF clown lamp is on but the lowest level so it's dim but I can see around the room.  I looked around but since I didn't see anything so I closed my eyes.  I heard music coming from the living room.  I got up to go see thinking it was my parents.  I remember looking down and seeing I was in one of my FAVORITE rainbow bright nightgowns that I wore as much as possible, I had a pinkish red one and a light blue one.  They had a ruffle around the bottom. As I started to walk down the pitch black hallway I realize there is no light in the living room, just the light from the street lamp.  I felt...I felt like I was in a group of people.  Like you know that feeling of being in a crowd but not like claustrophobic.  I knew I was alone in my house.  I could feel the worn carpet under my feet and smell the stale smoke (gotta love the 80's).  That's when I noticed the gorillas.  There was a Family (?) of gorillas in the living room.  Some were adults and some were "kids" but they all stood on two legs.  I remember talking to them but I don't know what about.  And I remember playing.  Mainly playing ring around the rosie.  Over and over we would skip around in a circle and then "all fall down", laughing and giggling.  We would play until I was exhausted.  Then I would wake up in the morning in my room.  Again, I had this dream for YEARS!

Flash forward to the now times.  I am telling my mom about some spooky movie I watched.  I said something about creepy kids and how I just can't imagine having one of those creepy "I see dead people" kids.  I mean I would figure it out because I'm not an @$$hole and can't blame a child for what's happening to them but it would still be creepy.  

As I make these comments my MOTHER says, well now you know how I felt.  

She says "when you were little you scared the ever loving $hit out of me regularly."

She says "well when you were very young, still in your crib, you would wake up just screeching.  Not crying, but absolutely screaming in terror.  I would walk in and you would be standing in your crib pointing at these wooden animal figures we used to have on your wall."

"You were inconsolable until I took you out of the room.  Then for a few nights I couldn't put you back in there, you would just scream.  Once I'd get you to go back same thing would happen.  One night I found the tiger in your crib.  You couldn't have pulled it down, it was up too high.  I would ask you what's wrong, what happened, and you would cry and cry and say they were dancing.  You really seemed to hate the giraffe and tiger.  The look of fear broke our hearts so we took down all of the zoo animals and re-did your room in rainbows and clouds. After that you didn't much"

I had zoo animals in my room???  I don't remember this!!!! 

"Of course you don't you were still very young."  

**proceed to tell her about my recurring dream** much....?!?!

"Well, yes as much.  NOLA Gurl, you were always talking to...someone in your room.  From very little until maybe 6 or 7.  Of course we just thought imaginary friend or maybe the dog.  But some nights.  Well lets just say things got weird sometimes.  On more than one occasion one of us would wake up to you singing.  You weren't in your room, so we would go investigate.  We would find you in the living room all alone playing ring around the rosie."

"It was baffling.  We never taught you that song and you didn't go to daycare or school yet.  We thought maybe a neighborhood kid but when I asked you, you just shrugged.  Everytime one of us found you I would ask why you were playing all alone and you would say 'I'm not mommy, I'm playing with the gorillas'. And I would try not to freak out as I carried you back to bed.  Your dad tried not to let it show but he was definitely unnerved.  We were worried you would get hurt so we started putting a gate at your doorway, but somehow you would get out without knocking the gate down.  This went on for many years and then one day it just stopped."

**proceed to tell her about my recurring dream** 

I am so sorry mom & dad, I was the creepy kid!!! I can't imagine how f**ked up that was......

So what do you think?  Either I was having some intense dreams and sleep walking/playing or maybe something was communicating with me.  I mean wall decor ended up in my crib and I played with "gorillas" in my living room. Could they have been shadow people...?  Or some crazy imagination...Who knows.  Apparently other things happened but we didn't get to discuss those.  

So there you have it, I was the creepy kid, scaring the bejesus out of my parents.  

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