Tuesday, January 11, 2022

That is clearly an Alien!!!

Okay I deal with all types of bugs.  99% of them really don't bother me.  I mean they startle me but I am not "frightened" of them.  Some still give me the heebie jeebies!

Since we haven't been living in our house while it was damaged and now being repaired we have to be mindful of what may move in while we are gone. 

After the holidays we had a lot of leftover Turkey.  I don't like to waste food so I decided after our fill of Sandwiches and salads, it was time for Gumbo.  I needed my gumbo pot.  There is a pot where we are staying but its not my gumbo pot...and if you know anything about making gumbo...you make it in your gumbo pot not just some rando pot haha. 

When I pulled it out I saw something moving INSIDE the pot.  1st thought, bug who shall not be named.  

Then I saw the culprit frantically scrambling around the inside. 

Uuuuuggggghhhhh what even are Silverfish?!?! *blech*  And this one was HUGE!!! Usually they are smallish but this mo fo was over an inch long.  *shudder*

I'm telling you....Aliens!

You can't tell me that doesn't look like a f**king Silverfish?!!?!?

So if you randomly start hearing "DELETE! DELETE!", remember I tried to warn you.

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