Monday, January 17, 2022

I don't want to hear your noise pollution!

Pet Peeve...people watching videos/listening to music in public/while with other people WITHOUT HEADPHONES!

Look I like me a good Tik Tok video or Reel or whatever but if I am in the presence of others and not sharing what I am looking at, I have my earbuds in! (or wait til later)

It drives me BONKERS when people just blast whatever is on their phone at top volume.  No lie, I was on a flight recently and someone behind us was watching some TV show, complete with laugh track, without headphones.  It was clearly annoying everyone around her so the flight attendant asked her to please use headphones.  She said she didn't have any so the attendant said "then please lower the volume or turn it off"STG she responded "But it's family friendly! What's the big deal?"  

Come on!  Read, look at memes, take a nap, BORROW SOME HEADPHONES!  I don't want to hear what you are listening to while on a long flight!  Even the 8 year old next to me had the kindness to use his headphones!

With that said, if you are at a family function, sitting in the family room, with a bunch of family/friends.....get off the phone for god's sake!  That's rude, right?!?   Am I the only one annoyed by that?!?  I know I'm getting older but even my young nieces/nephews wouldn't sit on their devices blaring videos while everyone else is talking or watching a TV Show or Movie.  

I just don't get it.  Like I'll watch a video here and there but its like one, low volume and I'm usually about to share it with whomever.  

I mean I guess it's "rude" to sit in a full room with headphones on but I'd rather that than Jack @$$ and the gang at full volume. 

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