Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Listen, little girl"

It is never okay to say this, it is condescending and disrespectful.

I don't care who you are, what your position is, what your gender is, or where you work; if you call me "little girl" I am going to be angry.  I am of a smaller stature and look young but you do NOT know me, if I made you feel stupid that is NOT my problem.  I am beyond professional, if you feel dumb its because you have issues not me.

Story time 1:

Helping a client.  They are new and request something that is taboo but make it look like our stuff doesn't work right.  It is something that is NEVER recommended.  I respond back using it as a teaching opportunity.  I was not condescending, I was not trying to make them look bad.  They copied FIFTEEN people trying to make ME look bad, I  responded to everyone (because I know half of them) and I have nothing to hide.  I said my piece and gave my solution.

I got a response back just to me, "Listen, little girl.  You will not embarrass me in front of my bosses and employees.  You will treat me with respect.  You will not use me as an example."
Someone has a superiority complex...

I responded and cc'd the people he excluded.  "Hello ____, I am sorry you feel this way.  I was not targeting you.  I was not trying to embarrass you.  I was just informing you of how things are set up since you are newer to the position.  I treat all of my contacts with utmost respect, I only ask that they do the same for me.  Please do not call me 'Little Girl'.  I am a business professional with 17 years of experience in this field and am here to help you.  I meant no disrespect, my apologies." 
I will not let people get away with this $hit anymore.  You want to act like I am beneath you, then be an adult and copy everyone.  If you aren't man enough to have your bosses and FEMALE employees know how insecure you are, don't send it in writing.

Story time 2:

Buying a vehicle.  This one happened a little while ago.  Went with the sig other to get some info on a larger vehicle for him.  While looking at our trade in, the finance guy and sales guy insulted us ten times over because we refused to just accept their price.  Saying we will NEVER be able to afford said vehicle etc etc etc.  They also offered us way too little for the trade in, it was BS and they knew it.  We look young and they were clearly trying to take advantage/bully us into a sale.  The kicker, they wouldn't talk to me.  I would talk and they would only look and speak to my husband like I wasn't even there. The hubs would say something and look to me to agree/disagree/add input and they would ignore me,  f**k you very much! They wouldn't work with us but also wouldn't give us back our keys.  I finally stood up and said "Give me my car keys, now!"  The finance guy looked right at me and said "Sit down little girl, we are speaking to your husband".
My husband stood up and defended me.

I finally said "really.  that's nice.  the vehicle we are trading in, is in both our names.  the new vehicle will be in both our names.  We are married, if you want to make a deal, you want to talk to BOTH of us.  But I am done talking.  Give me my f**king keys or I am calling the police!".  I don't normally swear like that...I do it in jest but not in anger when I am trying to be the bigger person. 
We got our keys but no apologies.  We literally walked out with the sales guy laughing and talking loudly to other sales people saying something about people being embarrassed because they WEREN'T approved...
I retold my experience on BBB, Facebook, Twitter, and via a survey from their corporate office asking about our experience & when we might come back to complete the sale.  Again, not letting these tw@t waffles get away with this $hit anymore.  I saw I wasn't the 1st or even 20th person to complain.  Its not surprising the dealership bankrupted about 6 months later.  That is NOT how you do business.

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