Friday, February 16, 2018

We have a Stage 5 Clinger!!!!!!!!!

I think I am too nice.  People kinda "cling" to me.  And honestly 99% of the time, it doesn't bother me.  I am a social person and like making new friends.  Problems arise though when people inject themselves into my personal business.  I am very very very private.  I don't talk much about my personal life except to my BEST friends whom I've known for 17+ years and close family...and of course Husband.  Everyone else gets the NOLAGurl Cliffs Notes.

A few months back a business associate became more of a friend associate.  We had no prior knowledge of each other but seemed to have a lot in common.  We like the same TV genres, movies, music, etc. So it wasn't a surprise that we started hanging out, outside of business stuff.  I like to keep work and personal very separate but this was not someone who worked closely with me...or even for the same company.

Then things started to get very "Single White Female".  And I shut down.

- Surprise visits.  No call or text saying "Hey, I'm coming over"; just showing up at work and home
- Making more and more comments about how "perfect" my husband is
     - I agree he's pretty awesome but back off....
- Taking up the same hobbies I have
- Dying hair from dark brown to a medium blonde
- Drinking the same beers I drink, even though they said previously they only drink wine
- Trying to consume ALL of my free time
- Tagging me in things on Social Media
- Friend-ing my contacts on Social Media, even though they've never met
- Buying the exact same clothes
- Inviting themselves to everything I do
     - SHOWING UP even when they weren't told about it
- Getting mad if I don't respond immediately
- Blasting me online, if I do something and don't tell them
- And the latest...trying to date my friend/family.

Normally I wouldn't care about that last one but I think its being done with bad intentions.  Like I think they are doing it because I've pulled away.  I don't know this person well enough for any of this to seem semi-normal.  We have almost no history. 

I though I was being paranoid but $hit got super weird and I am concerned.....I know "imitation is the highest form of flattery" but my gut feeling says a line has been crossed.

I hadn't heard anything since a week before Mardi Gras but something today has me freaked out....

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