Thursday, March 30, 2017

Age does not equal seems lately some of the most immature people are our elders

While I know we all have our faults; we all learn new things everyday.  The day I think I know it all slap me, because you NEVER know everything.

With that said the way people react to situations really speaks volumes to me.  When we win a "battle" our natural instinct is to celebrate.  But knowing when that celebration is appropriate shows maturity.

We wont always get our way.  Things happen, sometimes we lose.  But just because we "win" doesn't mean we can take joy in someone's loss.  At least not in front of them.  Gloating is one of the biggest signs of immaturity.  We all do it, have done it, but there are some situations where you should NEVER DO IT.  Usually these are serious situations, like oh I dunno...death. 

Death can brings families together or tear them apart.  I seem to be bearing witness to a "tear them apart" situation.  And its all because the "adults" can't play nice.  They seem to all want to screw each other out of their meager inheritances.  They are bragging about what they 'got' or have power of.  There is a will that states how things should be but people are bucking the system.  They are fighting.  They are manipulating. They aren't playing fair.  And I don't understand.  Someone you love DIED!  Do you think they would want you fighting over what THEY already took care of. 

I'm the eldest so I should get _______________
I'm the only girl so I should get ______________
I'm the baby so I should get ________________

I am, I am, I am...its all f**king bull$hit!

THIS DOESN'T MATTER!  None of this matters.   The tomb wasn't even closed before you started f**king fighting! 

If I was your parent I would have donated everything to charity and said f**k all y'all ungrateful heathens.  They KNEW this would happen, that is why there is a will.  A LEGAL WILL!  In the end, nothing else matters.  You are family.  You are SIBLINGS.  Materialistic $hit doesn't matter.  You are all over 60 and have no idea how to be a mature adult.  How did this happen?  You say the baby boomers are the *insert amazing feat* generation.  But you aren't.

You know what you are?  You are the reason our world is dying.  You are the reason our economy is failing.  You are the reason we are all drowning in debt.  You are the reason I can barely survive with a f**king Masters Degree.  You created the millennials and now are complaining about us (yea, apparently I am a "millennial").  You are the greediest, most selfish generation I've come across.  You don't see reason, you only see ways to take from everyone else without giving crap.  And I am done.

SIDE NOTE - obviously its not all "baby boomers".   I know many are reasonable.  They tend to be more educated and HUMBLE.  Look, there are bad seeds in every group but the ones I've been "privileged" enough to be around lately are 100% awful. 

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