Thursday, June 13, 2024

So the doll did it

Okay so back in the day we didn't have alot of moula. Like we were okay-ish but I got hand me downs.  

One hand me down I received was a lifesize doll. 

Who the f**k thought that was fun?  Not like a My Buddy or Kid Sister.  This thing was from the 1950's (?)

She was about 3.5' tall, had matted/knotted horsehair, and her eyes were a haunting crystal blue that closed if you laid her down.  But she was old and one was always half closed.  I HATED HER.  

But my mom was so happy my g-ma kept her that I kept my little mouth shut and didn't complain when we brought her home. 

The idea was that since she was my size I could play dress up with her, etc.  But I was TERRIFIED of her.  I would hide her in my closet and behind my door so I couldn't see her. I never played with her no matter how much I was encouraged to. She ended up being used as a "mannequin" to make my clothes and dance costumes hahaha. 

I haven't thought about this f**king doll in 20+ years, until last night.  When I had a dream.  

In the dream I was in my childhood home but it looked different.  Like I felt like I was at home but it didn't look like my home.  It was bigger but still VERY 80's.  Brown carpet, wood panel walls, yellow-ish lighting, window AC units, and smelled of stale cig smoke. 

I was young-ish in the dream and was scared to death of being alone in the house.  The air felt heavy and weird $hit would happen, like the lights going out and weird noises. My mom kept telling me I was being silly and there was nothing to be scared of until one day I went into my room (which was like twice the size of my actual room) and that f**king lifesize doll was sitting on the floor staring straight ahead.  I yelled for mom and she was like "that's just Sally your new friend".  

I always put her in the closet but when I would come back she was sitting on the floor staring straight at the door.  I swore she was watching me.  One day I was sitting on the floor under the fan playing with legos when the hair on my neck stood up.  I just knew I wasn't alone.  When I looked over my shoulder Sally's head was turned towards me. 

I screamed bloody murder.  When my mom came in she was normal and I was scolded for making her worry.  I was barely sleeping because I was so terrified. I would run in the room, grab a toy and run out.  Weird stuff was still happening and I was getting blamed for it.  

I was punished in my room for being a sassy butthead.  I was griping to myself while sitting on the floor coloring when I got that feeling again.  My crayons flew across the room, my book flew the other way, my stuffed animals were floating and spinning in the air.  I turned and yelled at Sally that I hated her! 

Suddenly I was floating, I was trying to scream for my mom but I could barely make a squeak.  I tried harder and harder but hardly any noise was coming out.  I was flung into the wall which made enough noise for mom to come running in the room.  She saw the chaos and was stunned for a second.  She came to me to help me up and I was still trying to talk but couldn't.  She was like "WHAT???"  

I was sobbing trying to say its Sally!  But it was barely a whisper. I looked and pointed at the doll and watched in horror as her head slowly turn to look at us and I turned my mom's head and tried to scream "I told you that doll was evil!!!!!"

She started shaking me as I was trying to get noise to come out.  I woke up to hubs shaking me saying "hey, hey are you ok?!?!?" 

I had another one of those f**king dreams that was so intense my sleeping form was "screaming" well more like whining so loud it woke up everyone else in the house. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

This didn't go well for new new new new new new new new York

 Saw this:

And my nerdy little brain went IMMEDIATELY to:

I don't really trust patches.  I had a horrid reaction to a Vitamin B patch and my hubs used too strong of a nicotine patch years ago when he quit smoking and thought he was going to die.  Both left horrible red marks on our arms. 

Anywho the idea of a patch giving much necessary boosts or rest without a shot or pill sounds Ah-mazing.  Buuuut I have a minor fear of enclosed spaces and don't want to be locked in a never ending motorway for 24 years or whatever.  

Only to be possible food for giant crab creatures who are mutated from the exhaust in the enclosed area.  

12 hours is my limit in a vehicle...I need a bathroom and trashy gas station snacks!

Side note - I love Martha....I still don't get why she got so much hate back in the day!