Friday, June 7, 2024

This didn't go well for new new new new new new new new York

 Saw this:

And my nerdy little brain went IMMEDIATELY to:

I don't really trust patches.  I had a horrid reaction to a Vitamin B patch and my hubs used too strong of a nicotine patch years ago when he quit smoking and thought he was going to die.  Both left horrible red marks on our arms. 

Anywho the idea of a patch giving much necessary boosts or rest without a shot or pill sounds Ah-mazing.  Buuuut I have a minor fear of enclosed spaces and don't want to be locked in a never ending motorway for 24 years or whatever.  

Only to be possible food for giant crab creatures who are mutated from the exhaust in the enclosed area.  

12 hours is my limit in a vehicle...I need a bathroom and trashy gas station snacks!

Side note - I love Martha....I still don't get why she got so much hate back in the day! 

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