Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Heeeerrrreeee Lizard, Lizard, Lizard


Hahahaha, GOD the 90's were a time!!!  There was a whole f**king campaign with this adorable chihuahua trying to catch Godzilla with TACOS!!!  But this isn't about the 90's or about Taco Hell but it is about Lizards.

I have no issues with reptiles.  I will hold them, rescue them, protect them.  I'm cautious but I am not scared of them.  

So the other day I go to let the puppers out and something large and brown comes running out from under the end table.

I thought it was a bug who shall not be named!!!  It was not...it was a dark brown lizard.  Well friend you do not want to me in here, my cat will eat you!!!

He let me pick him up with no issues.  That's when I realized he was full of dust, kinda dehydrated and OMG he's missing a tail and front feet!!!!!!  Oh buddy...I see you met Demon Spawn.  

If you don't know...cats are @$$holes and will literally play with something to death.  

So I brought him outside and put him on the table.  He was alive but didn't run off.  I mean no front feet...jesus!

I got a small plate, put some water, and put him on the edge.  Honestly I figured he would die from shock or something.  

A hour or so later he was moving around in the water and was way more alert so I left him be.  

After work he was gone so I figured he moved on or was eaten by a bird.  I was hoping for the former.  

Since it's already warming up to Satan's armpit around here I've been watering the plants daily. As I am watering the Aloe on the patio something comes flying at my face. 

It's a lizard.  Its a tailless lizard.  It's a tailless lizard with no front feet.  

I don't know how smart lizards are but this one seemed to recognized I saved it and was no longer scared of giant hairless ape lady and seemed content to chill on my arm.  I kept watering and he hung out until he was ready to go back in the aloe.  

It's been over a week and Lt Dan still pops out of my Aloe plants.  All I can assume is he's adapted to no front feet and is eating flying insects that land in the aloe.  Like I know he can't climb so he has to be jumping (?) with his back legs... I guess.  

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