Wednesday, July 19, 2017

They missed a GOLDEN opportunity!!!

Golden Retriever gave birth to a rare green puppy


He/she was born GREEN.  Not like the Hulk that becomes green...not like Kermit who is a f**king frog.  He/she is a dog that was BORN green.  Remind you of anyone?!?!  Come on...I'll give you a hint "Would it be all right by you...If I de-greenified yooooooou?"

ELPHABA!!!!  I would have named that puppy Elphaba so freaking fast!  I know he/she won't stay green forever but still!

Apparently its just a rare phenomenon, "veterinarians think the cause is exposure to biliverdin, a green bile pigment found in the placenta, which can stain a pup's coat when mixed with the mom's amniotic fluid."

So pretty soon the green pup will be golden like his/her brothers and sisters but for one hot minute he/she was the coolest pup around.  "Its not easy being green".  

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